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Electric Supercharger?

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I think this kind of thing has been mentioned before, but I'm wondering: Shouldn't there be at least a small improvement in performance? It seems to me that a dedicated high airflow fan could possibly be more beneficial than just the standard ducting that relies on vehicle speed to provide airflow. I seems fishy since there are several of these for sale, always at 135$ and with variing car model applications.


Are there even any kind of mechanical superchargers in existence that could be bolted on to a Subaru?

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don't waste the money

Absolutley right -

that is no more than an A/C fan hooked up to the intake - not worth the power it is consuming to run


The only supercharger I have heard that does anything is one off an early MR2 - it is belt driven, so you would have to deal with that headache.


If you want performance, go turbo or XT6 engine - they are the best (and pretty much only) ways to REALLY increase HP.

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There wont be, because the draw of that heater fan motor cannot produce anything more than a gentle low pressure breeze. All it really is doing is drawing power from the alternator and introducing more restriction into the intake. A little motor like cant even keep up with the air going through the motor at idle.

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That thing will draw power regardless of the alt. it is hooked up to - the bigger alt just drags more off the engine - a lovely vicious cycle isn't it - and you VERY quickly reach the point of dimishing returns


Cut the bottom of your airbox off and you will see a greater difference than if you were to install that piece of crap


Hey, I'm a college student, all I do is dream about free lunches. :)

I can relate :D

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