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About gdudik

  • Birthday 12/05/1988

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  • Location
    Vancouver, WA
  • Occupation
  • Vehicles
    99 Forester, 86 GL

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Member (2/11)



  1. For the cooling fans cycling on and off and other problems, check to make sure that the green "test mode" connectors under the dash are unplugged. Should be under the dash on the driver's side. Car will do all kinds of bizarre things with them plugged in.
  2. Here's what I learned when I had a 95. The fuel gauge was incredibly pessimistic. I had more or less the same experience you are with the fuel level. BUT The fuel light was right on the money. It's a separate sensor that turns the fuel light on when the fuel level uncovers the sensor. It came on at two gallons left like clockwork. Something to consider.
  3. Just a WAG-- Doesn't the flywheel have to have a step in it on EA engines? Was that done properly?
  4. CO is in spec, less than 1.0. HC limit is 220 , and I'm in the 6-700 range, depending on which test were talking about. NoX does not get tested. They test me at idle only. If I fail on the first idle, I get to run it at 2500 for 20 or so secs and then test again. Numbers are usually a bit lower after run up, but not much. The front cat isn't in pieces inside, but the honeycomb has separated from the housing.
  5. Ordered a cat. Coming soon. Jono, I have tested the full intake manifold setup with a homemade smoke machine. It occurred to me in the shower that a smoke machine won't show a weak pcv. I'm reasonably sure that the EGR isn't stuck open, but I haven't checked. >>Anybody know how to test to see if the misfire is confined to one cylinder rather than being multiple cyls? I would love a scope but don't have one. It's an intermittent misfire; pulling spark plugs to various cylinders won't tell me anything.
  6. Thanks! I've really been thinking on the fuel management side of things because my vacuum gauge more or less behaves itself hooked up to that motor.
  7. Intake setup is stock. Fuel pressure reading is 26psi from filter, that's only place I checked. TPS checks good including idle switch. Throttle stop screw still has its glob of paint in the right spot. Timing 20 deg btdc set with warm engine and green plugs connected. Engine condition is good. Have had heads off on this motor and compression was 135+ on all cyls. I think I have O2 sensor out of the stream and it doesn't respond too well. I was under the impression that the computer ignored the o2s at idle because it knows it's a 1 - wire. But talk to me about a heated sensor! I'm being tested only at idle. If you don't pass at the first time, you get to run it up to 2500 for 15-20 secs and then try again at idle.
  8. Ok built a good disty out of a couple of old ones, and the idle's much better but not perfect. I even put a gallon and a half of alcohol in it with it on E, and it still won't pass emissions. I've ordered a new cat and Y-pipe, since the old one's an aftermarket anyway and the honeycomb is loose. Also I think where I mounted the O2 sensor is too far out of the stream--it never reports anything over .2 volts, even at 2500 rpm, so I think it's dumping fuel in all the time at cruise. But that doesn't explain my idle misfire. This car is making me tear my hair out. Any ideas?
  9. Opened up the dusty and found that the little disc with the slots for the optical sensor was loose on shaft. Distributor is in pieces on my workbench now. Have been unlucky finding an optical sensor from parts places that includes the disc, so I'm stuck with a reman or junkyard disty. Reman distributors are $$$ even with my commercial acct. Anybody know where I can come up with one in the Portland, OR area?
  10. I like aviation form-a-gasket on the cork ones.
  11. Well I got ahold of a loyale (mother in law's) that she said I could pull some parts off temporarily to check on the GL. Tried coil, no luck. Tried ignition amp, no luck. Changed whole disty--bingo! Timing light flashes steady with no missed flashes and idle is noticeably better. I still get the occasional pop out the exhaust, but it seems to get worse if I get too far away from 19, which is where I have it set. Petersubaru, do you remember whether you had to advance the timing further or back it off from 20 in order to make it run right? I will set the timing with a vacuum gauge if it doesn't pass again, but the idle is sooo much better.
  12. Coil resistance checks out in spec, but I know the ohms don't always tell the whole story. I have an extra ground cable going direct from battery neg to the LH strut tower so it all should be good because I cleaned all the grounds when I installed coil and ignition amplifier.
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