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About Speedwagon

  • Birthday 07/29/1979

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    Denver, CO
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  • Vehicles
    98 Legacy GT, 87 Brat GL

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  1. Do you happen to know where I could get a diagram of all the vacuum lines for these?
  2. It's only been a year and a half, but I finally fixed this! Thanks to Brainmitchtay for those pictures! That helped me isolate it, and replace the disty fron a JY one. With that, it fired right up! After I got the new car about the same time this happened, my motivation to fix it just wasn't there.
  3. 85 Brat, all stock. I pulled the carb apart to clean it as best as I could. When you press the throttle off idle, it sputters as it revs up slowly. While driving, it's ok at steady light throttle, or heavy throttle. But everything in between it doesn't like, bucks and sputters. Seems to run better above 3k rpm. Thoughts on clearing this up? Did I miss a jet or two when cleaning the carb?
  4. Door lock cylinders are sometimes easier to do without the glass in the door. Can't remember specifically on the Brat doors though.
  5. I don't know if the Weber would pass the Colorado visual emissions inspection though, so I'm not sure if that's a plausible alternative just yet. Without the vehicle being registered yet, it makes it more difficult.
  6. Yes, the choke works. I can watch it slowly opening as the engine warms up. I'll check the others things you guys recommended, thanks. edit: I do know there is an exhaust leak up front. Had to fix the muffler first, but now I know there is one. Which gasket belongs between the head and the pipe? Just the O one, or the oval one with bolt holes?
  7. Just took it for a drive(it's not yet registered, and needs to pass emissions to get registered). Stumbling on partial throttle. It will idle fine, and run ok at full throttle fine. It's everything in between. So it seems to be getting enough fuel. Maybe something like the intake manifold gasket leaking? Carb gasket?
  8. I can find no vacuum leaks. I used my vacuum pump to test every line and diaphragm I could, all tested good. One pump of the throttle before start up, and on cold start it fired up right away and idled fine just now. Still feels a bit hesitant as I throttle it up, but better than before.
  9. 85 Brat, EA81, Hitachi carb. Both fuel filters replaced. New plugs, wires, air filter. PCV seems to be operable. I can choke it and start the car fine, though sometimes it stalls a few seconds later. Starts right back up again. It's having a hard time with high RPM, and coming off idle. It wants to drop RPM down when I apply throttle at idle when cold(and will sometimes die), but when warmed up this is much improved, but not gone. It seems like it's running lean to me, but I can't figure out why. I did the carb rebuild on it recently, which made things better, but didn't completely fix it.
  10. Is that a factory manual? Does it have a procedure for testing the crank sensor?
  11. It is just flashing 6 fast with the key in the on position.
  12. Hitachi distro, with the 4 wire optic crank angle sensor. Yes, it has fusible links. It cranks all day long, but doesn't get any spark.
  13. 1987 Brat, EA81 engine, EA82 SPFI conversion. Months ago, it didn't restart when I shut down to put gas in. I towed it home, and somewhat ignored it. One day I tried to start it, and it did. The next time I tried to start it, it didn't again. Which is where it's at now, no start. And it's not getting spark. I tested the coil, which is in spec. It has 12V at the primary connections. I tested that there is voltage going to the crank sensor, which reads 12, 5, 5, 0V on the 4 wires going to it. When I put a test light on the primary side of the coil, I see no indication that either is disconnecting while I crank it.
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