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Found 6 results

  1. INCREASE FUEL MILEAGE DECREASE EMISSIONS IMPROVE PERFORMANCE $49.95-$54.95 Check out our fitment guide on our website www.crawfordperformance.com Increase fuel economy and power as much as +8% in minutes with the patented Eco-Block from Crawford Performance. - Installation is simple and requires only a screwdriver - Increase fuel mileage, decrease exhaust emissions, and provide an improvement in power delivery - Satisfaction is guaranteed: If you aren't satisfied, simply return the Eco-Block for your money back.* Familiar with a cold air intake? Those increase the volume of the intake, subsequently pulling the sensor out of the air stream. The Eco-Block does the same exact thing, but does so by utilizing a spacer to pull the sensor out of the air stream. The benefits you receive with the Eco-Block vs. a cold air intake: - A fraction of the price: $50 vs. hundreds. - Maintains smaller intake volume, maintaining air velocity. The larger volume from an aftermarket cold air intake slows the air down, creating lag. - Keeps the stock air box / intake in place, which keeps your car smog legal and warranty safe. - Does not require a tune to maximize it's performance.
  2. Good Day Everyone, I recently joined this site, I have visited before and had a lot of help when working on my subaru. I own a subaru impreza TS 1.6l non turbo, automatic. Its not that fast! but it is used as a family car and it does the job. Recently however I noticed the engine was losing power - slow uphill and acceleration. So i decided a tune-up was in order. I changed the oil, oil filter, spark plugs, transmission fluid, air filter. This did NOT improve or solve the performance issue. After a while the check engine light came on. I normally work on the car myself but I do not own a diagnostic scanner so I took the car to a mechanic. The mechanic told me the O2 sensor was faulty so I had it replaced. The check engine light came off but came back on after 2 days. Replacing the O2 sensor did not solve the problem, the car still struggles to get up hills and accelerates very very slowly. A few weeks after I took the car to another mechanic, he scanned the car and told me to replace the spark plugs and wires. I did, and the problem still was not solved. Tired of the problem, I took steps to fix the problem myself, I cleaned the throttle body, had the injectors cleaned and replaced the fuel filter, the problem still was not resolved. So in a nut shell - Car engine - lazy Replaced- engine oil oil filter spark plugs spark plug wires o2 sensor air filter fuel filter transmission fluid cleaned throttle body So now i'm here, asking- please can someone help!!??
  3. Hi, I am a new Subaru owner of a 07 impreza 2.5i. I'm interested in doing some work to it to give it some more power and better handling and shifting. If like to know what are some good stuff to buy that are not too too expensive but still good quality. Also I would like to know how much performance tuning can I do to the engine power with out having to do internal motor work. Please give me any advice and pointers thank you.
  4. Hi, I'm wanting to boost the performance in my 2003 2.5L Forester XS (non-turbo) what would you guys recommend? I'm mainly interested in boosting the acceleration rather than top speed. I'm on a bit of a budget so super chips and the like are a bit out of my league, preferably DIY stuff, I'm fairly handy and have been pulling apart and putting back together my car since I was about 10 so I know it pretty well. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Hi all. I am new to this forum, but am seeking some assistance with some relatively cost effective ways to boost the performance on my 2004 Forester XS, five speed manual. It is stock standard at the moment, and I would just like to get a little more performance out of it. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  6. im offering single port unequal length headers for EJ 2.2 motors. in both stainless and aluminized steel. tig welded with mandrel bends. everything is made in house, flanges are water jet cut, it will bolt to factory subaru exhaust. i am located in st helens oregon 97051 store pick ups are welcome to order you may call 503 750 nine eight 4 two or email sube4x4@gmail.com my current website is www.infernofab.com the current prices are Stainless Steel: 260.00 + 40.00 for shipping. aluminized are 200.00 + 40.00 for shipping pricing may change afer i get my webstore online. i will be offering flanges mandrel bends and collectors as well as straight tube.
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