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Ultimate Subaru Message Board


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Posts posted by dirtandrib

  1. Sorry for age old question, but i'm just curious. My friends scoff at it but i tell they are just ignorant. I'm wanting some evidence of my assertion of the value of my 'ugly' 4x4 wagon. She runs great, 90k, new clutch, new rear main seal, new radiator, new carb (Weber), paint job is only 6 yrs old, and there is only rust around the vents on the hood and little around a corner of panel. Here's a picture. Thanks. IMG_2930

  2. I have been driving a 1979 dl wagon for two years. I have not been aware of this cult following of the old Subaru. My car has been for total use. Driven almost everyday. I just now put 90K on it. Are people interested in such cars? It's in good condition relatively speaking, I put a Weber carb on it. I've replaced the clutch this year, breaks, radiator, rear main seal and a number of other things. Here's some pics of it. I really like driving her. http://web.mac.com/dirtandrib/iWeb/Site/Retro%20Wagon.html

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