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Status Updates posted by KristjanJohann

  1. I have these sedan in stock, http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2753/4178156851_662f538912_b.jpg , these are 91 pre-facelift tails. If you have a wagon I have these in stock, http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m94/kristjan86/a_mobile/IMAG0376.jpg and http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m94/kristjan86/a_mobile/IMAG0377.jpg . $250 shipped. If you buy a whole set incl glass headlights, corners and taillights it would be $650 invl shipping but let's say even $500 for everything, please send me your thoughts on this

  2. http://bbs.legacycentral.org/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=47225 Here is my thread on legacy central, Headlights with corners are $330 and without corners $300 and shipping is $60. I have a set in stock now and I use paypal ;)
  3. No, just Honda Civic coilover sleeves on stock suspension and stock ea82 engine. pure drift skills :D

  4. Tips for driving... hmmm, yeah stay on the right side of the road :D hehe. I think people here are rude in the traffic so keep that in mind. Gravel roads can be dangerous, especially on the edges. Maximum top speed is 90km per hour outside town and 50km per hour inside the towns.


    Here is a short video for you ;)



    More videos on youtube under "Driving in Iceland"


    You'll enjoy Iceland for sure, never saw a unsatisfied tourist :D

  5. The only mods I did was an open 2,25" exhaust with a tube and an empty muffler in the end and a welded diff. And it took alot of practice but when you get the hang of it it's no problem. I got tired of no power so I'm doing en EJ22 swap now :D Gonna be fun.

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