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Ultimate Subaru Message Board


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Everything posted by Bakes

  1. Haha, yeah, I am an Alex Grey fan, that guy's art is trippy as hell, which makes sense cause he drops acid when he paints. Tool is awesome too. What's your favorite Tool song? I think I like Vicarious the best, especially the music video for it. Pretty crazy if you ask me. I'm on another forum that just opened a month or so ago called Subi Slobs. It's geared at all Subarus, but since it's brand new is still pretty slow, but they've got a bunch of content in the works! Anyhow, nice to hear from you!
  2. Hello USMB! My name is Jesse, or Bakes if you prefer, and I'm looking forward to hopefully owning my first Subaru in the somewhat near future! I'm going to be looking at getting a WRX and am trying to learn as much as possible about them so that when I get one I'll be ready to make it exactly how I want it. I'm looking forward to getting involved soon. Thanks!
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