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Posts posted by DangIt

  1. HOW DO I ASK A MOD? NOBODYS HELPIN ME FIND ONE! TELL ME HOW TO GET ER DONE AND I WONT SAY ANOTHER WORD. Im old and dont know how to do all this spoob. Dont even have a facebook I gotta phone book. If your readin this and are older like me can ya give me the keep it simple stupid method of gettin at somebody to fix this.

  2. Im gettin pissy cause im askin fer help and gettin no where. My blood pressure is through the roof and im the only one he knows whos got a way to talk to somebody on here. Can I please get a little info on gettin at somebody in charge around here. My bud said if we cant get it taken care of then his lawyer will take it up with the site owner. He said the guys gotta bisness tied up in this site so he really only wants that to be a last resort. He aint holdin a grudge just wants his info taken down. Is that too much to ask. Yall didnt want him here so take him off. He says hed just change the stuff to say somthin else and change the pic but he cant. His one warning was a boot. Please help and stop this.

  3. If any of you have yer head screwed on straight and wanna actually do somthin positive fer a change will ya go to the introductions section and report my rump roast for my post on ma buds intro. so we can get the ball rollin on this spoob before my buds gotta pay a legal retainer. This is codswallopin' bullshit. Just take it off yer codswallopin' site and we wont have to have any more discussions.


    Sounds like this may be the same guy (aka MyWifes84). He had to re-register. Then he can't stop himself from saying 'I got no use for this place'. If that is true ... then get OFF this place.

    Oooh ya caught me. Not! Dang i get why he had a problem or two. I said apart from parts. He told me you had a mess of old stuff on here. you wont see me puttin my old crusty junk on here. After my buds stuff is all off here you probly never gunna hear from me again. If somebody reports this Id think we can get his stuff removed and I can get outa your hair. Ive seen screen pics of what happens when ya ask stuff on here. Not my cup o joe. Dont wanna get anybody steemed just wanna keep my bud and his fam safe by gettin his stuff taken off here. Im not ryin to bee the bad guy.

  5. Sorry man but my "buddy" is gone. He does want his pic and stuff removed from the introductions section. Csnt figure out how to get ahold of somebody in charge to have it removed. Other than maybe the parts section on here I got no use for this place.

  6. Did a bucnh of stuff dissapear?

    Wanted to say sumthin Now the whole things gone. Took me 20 mins to get into this place. If anyone knows how to talk to the people in charge the security things screwy. I went through all that to sign up for this and now? I thought it was here...

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