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Posts posted by KevinHartman

  1. Anyone have any recommendations for shipping your car across the country? I don't mind paying extra to have it enclosed. My last experience shipping a car was HORRIBLE. I paid money to the director of this company and they promised me to send my new beautiful car in 2-3 days with no problems cause they ate a cake on this topic. But as u can understand by my impression of this "company" they didn't answer the phone and no one hadn't pick up my car from the ex owner. And that was really good for me , that i still had my car . After that, in a few weeks they called me back and gave me some sob story about how they were actually losing money on the deal.And the company was closed and they lose all contacts. But it was 3 weeks ago and i just asked them to give me back money. Nevertheless the problem is still on.
    There must be a better way?? I was planning on just doing the drive after my last experience but I'd at least like to know if there are some better alternatives out there? Car needs to go from New Mexico to Los Angeles.

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