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After we got the 09 a couple of weeks ago, I started getting the old 97 ready to sell. These cars are so sought after around here, I knew it wouldn't be too hard. I put an ad on Craigslist last Thursday night, and had a dozen or more calls over the weekend. The second caller bought it yesterday by noon.


It had 241,000 on the car, the engine was a CCR rebuild with 45,000 on it. It was running very strong with no leaks or evident problems. All of the axels were MWE rebuilds that were installed after the engine. Good tires, brakes, clutch etc. The body and interior were still in great shape. The buyer was really happy, and seems inclined to take good care of her for whatever time she has remaining. He is serving in the army, and currently in school. Nice guy.


That car served us very well, aside from a bout of HG illness at 196K. The only problem it had, and still has, was the mysterious check engine light, caused by a supposed #3 and #4 misfire that I could never resolve. That problem started on the fist engine and continued with the second. Many of you helped me try to eliminate it for months, and many pages of suggestions on this forum. All to no avail, but the car always ran perfectly anyway.


I just wanted to thank everyone for all the years of help keeping that car running so well. I expect to pick your brains from time to time on the 09 too (already have).


So another great Subaru passes down the line to a first-time owner. May she go another 150K.

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That was a pretty nice car the whole way around and certainly would be demanded used. I enjoy refurbishing those when people kick them to the curb, they just come back to their old self very easily.


I still can't believe the CEL was never solved.

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I still can't believe the CEL was never solved.


There is a really long thread somewhere on this board about it. I changed every sensor imaginable, multiple sets of plugs and wires, the ecu, coil, checked all the injectors, actually put on a new intake manifold with a new wiring harness once, even the neutral switch on the MT. We ran it with a vacuum gauge hooked up for a month or so, just did all kinds of things. The interesting thing to me was when the engine was changed out and the light came back on again on my way up out of Denver! I couldn't believe it! I was sure I had left the problem behind that time, but no.


Since then I have known several 97's and 98's that have this same issue that was never resolved. The only thing that I can think of that was never changed was whatever wiring exists between the ECU and the harness in the engine compartment - but who knows. The car did that for the 9 1/2 years that I owned it and never in its life did it have any perceptible miss or hesitation of any kind. In ran beautifully. BTW, I have what is probably a perfectly good ECU from a 97 OBW sitting in the garage if someone wants it.


Things that make you go hmmm....

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did you try the knock sensor? I'm guessing yes since you said all sensors...that's too bad you had to get rid of it, you do know the grieving will set in soon and you will be hunting for another:banana:


Are you kidding? Hes got a 2009 now. Those are such a world apart from the old Outback its just amazing how much they have improved the cars. I love my WRX and I love driving my customers 2008-2011 cars. They are so quiet compared to the old ones.

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Yup, did the knock sensor - you kidding? That's kid stuff compared to the rooting, yanking, and installing I did:)


So far I like the 09 a lot. It is newest and nicest car I have ver owned by far. I am 53, but I call it my grownup car. It is very quiet and smooth. Seems to have a fair amount more power, and so far no real downside. I just hope it is as Delia el, minus the HG issue, as my old one.


When I think back on my first Subbie, the 77 DL, even that was a fantastic car. Took us everywhere. It is a well know fact that my wife lured me in with that 4wd Subaru's ability to get us to trailheads. We've been sold on them ever since.

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