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More battery issues

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So... I just completely disassembled and cleaned my dash due to a rodent problem. I put it back together, hooked up the wire harness, and started the car right up, everything worked fine:banana:, but now the CEL blinks instead of being steady. Went out the next morning, and the car was dead:mad:. I jumped the battery and the car started up within 2 seconds of being hooked up:banana:. Turned the car off, started just fine, no lights or anything on. Turned the car off, waited half an hour, and it was dead:mad:. repeated and even drove the car around for half an hour with the same results:mad:. The only difference between the wiring before the dash is that I ripped out the old pos tape deck and the wiring harness is just hanging out of the dash. I also have four unused clips under the dash (small blue one, brown, white and green) all male ended. I don't know where to start here, guys. Is it possible it could be the wiring harness for the radio? Or (just got this idea:rolleyes:) maybe the wrong harness adapters are in the wrong spot? Could I get some pics please? --drivers and passengers side?


Thanks so much!

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this is a generic car repair question so i think i can help. so you had a rodent (rat ) chew up your wiring? ok no problem. you got everything the best you could back in th eright places good. ok the dead battery. that is getting drained by a short in the system. to find a short or to check to see if you have a short this is how to do it. get a test light. even a good parking light bulb and a piece of wire will work.


turn off everything in the car radios lights even the hood light. remove the bulb i fit ihas one. then remove the negative battery terminal. put on end of the test light on hte battery post. and the other end of the test light to the negative battery terminal. if you have a short. or draw of power in the system the test light will come on.


if you do have a draw of battery power. with the light coming on. you take out one fuse at a time until the light no wlonger lights up. once the light goes out then you have found the circut to chase to find the draw or short it is sometimes called. then all you have to do is fix the short or whatever the problem is.


if the diodes in the alternator have went bad. it can also drain the battery in a short period of time. a diode is a one way valve for electricity to flow one way only. if the diode is bad the electricty will drain out of the battery. i had this happen to me. ok well lets us know how that goes.


oh how to use a parking light bulb and wire. place the parking light bulb side against the negative battery post. hold the wire to the bottom peg of the light bulb and place the other end of the iwre to the negative battery terminal you took off.

Edited by General chaos
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No chewing on the wiring was done, just a ton of insulation and poop in the air ducts and heater core. I had to remove the dash to get to it and clean it all though. I never had a problem before, but who knows. I will try the light trick and see how that goes.

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