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    2003 Baja

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  1. I have become a MPG freak, and I am trying numerous driving habit changes to see how it affects my Mileage. Here is some data for everybody to think about 2003 Baja Automatic 70 MPH cruise = 24 MPG 65 MPH cruise = 26 MPG 60 MPH cruise = 28-29 MPG 55 MPH cruise = 33.5 MPG! Too bad I can't drive 55! But the speed limits here are 60, so I have backed down to that. Given the fact that I drive 60 miles a day, for let's say 250 days a year - I should save $250 for the year. Now, I did an experiment with the tailgate up and down while I was typically driving 70 with NO effect. Has anybody with a Baja tried similar tailgate trials? What were your results? Thanks
  2. Yes, I too read the same articles and was intrigued. I tried it in my 2003 Baja with a 2.5. I did two full tanks and I thought it ran a bit better, but the proof is in the data. Before the testing I was getting a typical 24 mpg. During the testing the mileage did not increase at all - I still got 24 mpg. The results of the testing found no significant improvement. On an interesting side note, however, a recent speeding ticket highlighted a more significant opportunity for improvement. I changed my cruising speed from 70 to 65 and minimized my accelleration to no more than half throttle (Where possible) I now get 26 to 27 mpg. I will be experimenting with a top speed of 60 with this next tank and will advise you of my results.
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