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Posts posted by nathan_d

  1. as i am nearing the compleation of the mechanical parts of my brat i am starting to prepare for the body work that lies ahead. First the hood is hail damaged and i am thinking it may be just as easy to pull off a hood from a station wagon or other 80's subaru. are all of the ea81 hoods the same?

    Same with the doors. The other thing is the trim along the top of the bed and tailgate is pretty smashed up and i am sure those trim parts are not easy to find in good condition. Has someone came up with another cool way to trim these?


  2. I recently purchased a 86' brat. It had been sitting in a junkyard for awhile but I was able to start her up and get her to run. well the other day i tried to start it up and it was a no go. I pulled off the air fillter and no gas was squirting into the carb. I replaced the fuel filter underneath the bed and it appeard that both lines had fuel in them and i pulled the fuel filter off underneath the hood and tried to start it and no gas came out.

    Any ideas wat it could be? fuel pump?


  3. So I started to take my car apart to fix the wheel bearing and quickly started getting over my head. I have the chilton's guide but it isn't helping me too much. It is a 82' wago front wheel drive. So far i have pulled the brake caliper off, removed the crown nut and pulled off the hub and that is where i am lost. My book says to remove all the stuff in the front half shaft but is that really necesary? Would anyone give me a step by step from here and put it in simple terms that a beginner would understand?

    one last ? totaly off the subject, but will jump seats from an 83' brat fit in a 85/86?


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