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Everything posted by lewdog

  1. My wife is in need of new tires for her '01 Toyota RAV4 4WD. I remember from my Subaru Forester tire research that I really wanted to get the Goodyear Assurance TripleTreds-I seem to remember them being the best mix of everything in terms of performance and long life. I don't know if technology has marched past them, though, or if there's anything better. Thoughts?
  2. Damn. Not since I took it to a local mechanic and not the stealership. Would have been good to know.
  3. My engine was shut down for about an hour when I checked the dipstick and it was on the level in my garage. I followed the procedure you described exactly, except for the left side thing. Am I screwed? I'll try the brakes thing.
  4. I just had a 30k mile service done to my 04 auto. Forester. There are two problems that I'm wondering about--are they serious? Do they mean trouble for my car? I can not afford bigtime problems... 1. Too much oil. The range between low and full on the dipstick is about 3/4 of an inch or so. The oil level is at least 3 inches above the full mark. 2. Had new shoes or pads or whatever put on my front breaks and the rotors turned. The breaks now squeal quite frequently.
  5. Just got done removing a stump from my backyard. Maybe I could have just used it to burn the stump out. FIRE!
  6. Can you tell me more about why you don't like Seafoam? I ask because it seems like everybody and their cousin here thinks it's the coolest thing ever and I usually kind of go with the flow on those things. Do you think it has some good uses like as a fuel additive or something?
  7. Also, I've got two cans of SeaFoam just sitting in my garage begging to be used. Do you think it'd be helpful if I did this 500 miles (I think that's what I remember reading) before I took it to the mechanic?
  8. Very helpful. Thanks. Weird, but I'm subscribed to this thread and I've not gotten any e-mail notifications.
  9. Basically, I'm wondering what is really needed for a 30,000 mile service for my vehicle. I am not a mechanic and will be paying someone else my *hard-earned* money to do it. The manual states: Inspect: drive belt camshaft drive belt fuel system, lines and connections transmission/diff. (front and rear) lubricants (gear oil) auto. trans. fluid disc brake pads and discs, front and rear axle boots and axle shaft joint portions brake linings and drums clutch operation steering and suspension Replace: engine oil engine oil filter fuel filter air cleaner element spark plugs brake fluid Perform: replace engine coolant and inspect cooling system, hoses, and connections inspect brake lines and check operation of parking and service brake system rotate and inspect tires Out of this list, what do I not need (if anything)? Anything not covered that I should have done? I have talked to a mechanic who, after looking up my vehicle in whatever book or database he had, said that I should not need spark plugs (despite what the owner's manual says). He thought there should be platinum plugs in there that are good to 100k. I understand replacing them bumps up the price substantially. I didn't find a thread that related directly when I searched and thought some knowledgable answers in one place on this topic would be much appreciated by more members than just me. So, basically, what should I have done?
  10. Pretty much sums it up. I just bought a 2004 Forester with 17,000 miles on it. How often do you use Seafoam (or whatever engine/gas/etc. cleaners) and at what mileage would you initially use it?
  11. I thought it was odd that people were still suggesting cars but, as I re-read my post, I realized I didn't say that I bought this car. Blazin deal...
  12. Been pouring over the car ads for the past week, mostly just out of interest. I found a 2004 Forester X with 17,000 miles on it private party for $15,500 last night at 10:30. I wasn't even going to go look at it, but my wife convinced me to. Went with my bro (hutch85 here) to test drive it today (I hadn't even fully decided as of last night that I was going to buy a car). It was in great shape. Nice older lady selling because there is one less income in the house now. This car should be $18,500 according to Kelley Blue Book and even higher according to the rarity of private sellers in my area. I am stoked out of my mind. It's still friggin' under warranty, plus she bought the extended 60,000 warranty, all of which we'll transfer. HOW DO YA LIKE ME NOW!!!
  13. Okay, so I test drove an Impreza and a Forester with my bro (hutch85 here) tonight. Pretty fun. I really enjoyed the Forester. What's the rundown on Foresters--good years, bad years, what to watch for, etc.? Again, I'm thinking probably model year 2000 or newer and up to $15000 or so. Reliability is paramount.
  14. Excellent information. How do I know if it's a 2.2? Is auto or manual more reliable? If I do get a 2.5, how do I know that it's the gen II or whatever is the right one? I'm not a mechanic or car guy, if you can't tell.
  15. That looks pretty sexy, but I really want a four-door wagon. Camping trips and kids in the future and all that...
  16. So, in the $12-15k range, are there any out of the three base models (Legacy, Impreza, Forester) that stand out in terms of reliability or "unreliability?" Again, I'm looking for something that's definitely 2000 or after--more like 2003 or after if possible.
  17. I'd really like to get one of the later models (definitely 2000 or after), and I guess I'd like to not have to save the money for when the car needs repairs (I'm sure I'd blow the money before then ). Oh, and we're thinking we may now be able to go up to $15k. That would mean selling my car instead of hers. Man, finding just the used Subaru you want is a pain in the butt. I guess people are generally just so happy with them that they keep them... By the way--do people know what years the body style changes were for the various models (Legacy, Impreza, Forester)? Might be helpful to know that in my search. As a side note, the car that I am coming from is a 2006 Scion XB. We bought it because it was the most prudent choice financially. I bet that thing'll run forever and treat us great. It just seems to have no soul, however--that's why I want to go back to a Suby. It's what my father had, what my brother has, and what I've had most of my life. Kind of like a best friend--that's how it feels to me. Am I strange, or what?
  18. Assuming private party as far as getting the best deal. But am open technically to both.
  19. Okay, so we're probably going to sell my wife's car and get a Subaru with the proceeds--about $12,000. I know that I want a wagon. Reliability and low miles are probably the biggest priorities. I had a '96 Legacy that had some pretty expensive problems that I have since sold--I really want to stay away from expensive problems... What would you recommend? At this point, I'm thinking that a newer, base-model Legacy or Impreza would fit the bill nicely. First post here--all right!!!
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