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wave o babies

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Posts posted by wave o babies

  1. Can anyone give me step-by-step info for doing the Timing belt's and oil pump job for the EA82 loyale motor with AC? I would really apricate it!:grin: I've got the Chilton book too but there not to clear! You know!


    Thank's, Tom:headbang:

    Hey man, I live with the guy who wrote that timing belt article, actually I was there once when he did the labor you described, on the side of the road, at night, in the rain, with one flash light, and a pack of cigarettes lol.


    But seriously, we live in Sun Prairie, Waukesha is only a 30 minute drive, if you need his help, I'm sure I can drag him out there. We've even got some crew out there...


    Now that I think about it, Trashwagon 8's care taker could probably help you out.

  2. Alrighty guise. Hear's the deizie;


    I piocked up this here Subaroid SVX a while ago now, and I've been tooling about in it and havin' myself a grand ole' time.


    SO, a buddy of mine (milesfox, my room mate) had come across this 95 legacy with a busted tranny. With little to no life left in the leganus, I decided I would buy n'up the wheels from him so I could have some nice snow tires for the winter.


    BUT, lucky for me, subis was kinda silly when they made this here SVX and the damn wheels don't even fit.


    My question is simple, but alas I am too much of an idiot to be able to answer it myself. Does anyone here know the bolt pattern of this SVX and have a rough idea of what I could get to carry out my winter tire plan?


    I'm within spitting distance of the legendary Subaru Heaven, and the guy's got a SVX with parts to spare, but he's still askin' $650 for the wheels on it! (though they do have some nice high performance rubbers wrapped around them)


    Any info or even a finger point in the right direction would help.

  3. Wow, I pick up a '92 SVX and I still find myself at home here in the older generation section lol.


    205,000 miles on this baby, she's pullin great.


    I had legal ownership of one of the nefarious Trashwagons, if anyone here knows MilesFox, that thing had stupid high miles too.


    But alas, it finally met it's end.

  4. Indeed, you all know him, the infamous milesfox. Here's a quick rundown, through a series of events, I aquired the replica of the renowned Trashwagon5. I've had it for a good two weeks now, no problems.


    I come back to Milwaukee, (I live in Madison WI btw) and hey, he wants to drive the car he pretty much built. How could I say no?


    So were driving along, still no problems. Then, boom, some rain comes out of nowhere. We're turning into a junkyard, a little to fast might I add. Fox locks the wheels and we understeer right into a red chevy monte carlo...


    Yeps. The damn fool trashed the trashwagon.








    It's cool, hopefully this tiff can be resolved quickly and painlessly, if not blow over all together. As for Fox, meh.


    How can I be pissed at Fox?

  5. So yeah, long stroy short, I've managed to inherit Trashwagon 5 mkII from the infamous milesfox, and latley we've been having a spell of bad weather so I've been using the 4WD more often. Now, I know when you engage it you should be moving in a stright line and have the clutch engaged...


    But what about disengaging it? Clutch in or out? It seems that no matter what I do I have to slam the 4WD stalk down and the whole car shudders when I do so.


    that just doesn't seem healthy...

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