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Posts posted by Pgh_Scoob

  1. Yeah I had originally started with a 98 wagon standard with 114k on it when i got it. I loved that car and the gas milage was amazing. I was a delivery driver and would average 27-28 mpg. Unfortunately that car was rolled over trying to avoid a deer in the road. Gotta say getting out of a car upside down is a little nerve racking. But yeah now with my automatic I will luck is I get 23-24 mpg. I am not too into the legacys due to the fact that the imprezas are soo much fun to drive. Even though it is a little car with not alot of power, they made them such a nice driving car. Before getting my subaru, I had a 98 acura 2.3cl which I absolutely hated. I got it because of insurance money from a face off with a 85 f250 head on in my 96 celica. It was the other drivers fault and my insurance showed some love. So yeah had the acura and the handling was terrible, maitnance was outrageous and ever single part was at least 300+ dollars. With my subaru it is the complete opposite, I love driving them and will never get another car besides a subaru.

  2. Been there tried that. I have been searching for about 3 months now and yeah no luck. I have checked the west coast and was going to fly out and drive back but any that I find are gone when I get in touch with any one. Autotrader is just too expensive. I've seen imprezas 220000+ miles and they still want 5-6 grand for them. Which is crazy, and they are hell bent on those prices. My impreza now was a fluke getting it. I needed a cheap car and stopped at a used car lot and there it was. Drove it once and fell in love with it. So I am hoping that something like that happens before the snow starts coming. But hey thanks for the reply.

  3. Hey I am in the midst of a vicious search for a impreza wagon. Any that I come across are either too expensive or are sold the same day they get on the lot. I have a 96 lx sedan with 220000 on it and still runs strong. Only reason I need a wagon is for work and commuting up to 800+ miles a month seeing my son. I have seen a couple with 170000 miles on them, which is the same mileage on my car when i got it. So I have alot of faith in higher mileage subies but am just trying to be cautious with the winter coming. I had posted a couple of quick questions on here and had gotten a great response . Kinda hoping for that again.


    And for specifics

    96-01 5 speed

    Not alot of rust please

    Price range tops about 2700 but not trying to go that high

    Lower miles if possible and even problems for a good price.

    Depending on the problem

    If you happen to have pictures let please let me know.

    I may be willing to do full or partial trade


    If you are still reading this thank you and please let me know what you got.

    Thanks Again


  4. Yeah thats my main problem I couldnt begin to tell you how many times he said that to me. It really is a good deal on the fact that the only rust on the whole car is located on the exhaust and side rails under the car. I am going to try and hold out on buying it and see if it sticks around for a little longer, then just try to get a really good price out of him. I really have no problem getting a car that I know will need work I am not going to pay too much for it. But thanks for the quick response.

  5. Hey I just test drove a 95 impreza that had been sitting for 5 years and was recently traded for a new honda. My only problem with the car is when you are stopped and starting to go there is a rumble want to call it that comes from undr the car. It feels like it is the differential but I have never felt a bed diff. The guy selling it say his mechanics checked it out and said it would work it self out. Its just that the car has not been driven. I had my mechanic look at it. Who has done all the work on my 96 impreza with 213000+ miles onit. He said it might be the diff. but couldnt really tell. I am just trying to find out whether this is a common problem for cars that have been sitting for awhile. Also the car was kept in a heated garage, If that makes a difference. If you could shed some light on the situation I would really appreciate it.





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