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Posts posted by viceversa

  1. Update, the car got here, I test drove it and all seems fine. Waiting for the engine to cool off so I can pull compression check. If compression is good, does this definitively tell you the heads are OK and not cracked?


    The fix was - some "mechanic" charged $115 to "find why overheated and reconnect cooling line". Including $2 for coolant. No parts replaced. Sounds excessive? The main driver of the car thinks they got a great deal.


    I usually do't' let "mechanics" touch my vehicles but this was beyond my control.

  2. The car ran fine for at least 200 miles as far as I understand. It only started having problems on the way back.


    It is really aggravating to helplessly watch these developments from afar. It was out of town, that far away.


    I should have it back in a few hours. I will do a compression check first of all, if the compression comes up as 170 PSI in all cylinders, should I assume that the heads are not cracked?

  3. Update -


    I never got a chance to look at it (it is out of town) but the shop said it is not the radiator. Seems like incompetent install, the people who installed the engine apparently did not properly tighten the metal line which goes from the radiator to engine. It is that silver looking metal line.


    They said it idles fine, but I will make the shop which did the install pull heads and check them. Chances are, they need replacement. <sigh>

  4. I was told by the main driver of this 92 Loyale that it overheated. The vehicle pulled over, shut the engine when "smoke" was coming from under the hood. I also found out that the vehicle was driven with the temp gauge in the red for at least 3-4 minutes and then it idled for another minute.


    A friendly driver stopped by, then got some water, poured it into the radiator and it all came out at the bottom.


    This EA82 engine was just installed a few days ago and the the car has been driven for about 200 miles since then.


    My question is, what's the likely cause of that overheating? Can a radiator burst? A hose that went bad? All hoses are new. Also, I have another radiator from a parts car - actually just the rear row, the bigger one.


    Could it have damaged the heads? I know that the ones installed on there did not have any cracks. How can I verify that there is no permanent damage? Pull compression? Anything else? The car is currently at a shop a few hours away, so I cannot take a look at it and my anxiety level is pretty high. Main thing, I don't want to damage the engine which I just got and which ran beautifully.

  5. I did not do this engine install myself, but let a garage do it. I did however take it out myself -- with much help.


    This '92 Loyale has a new tranny with only 15K miles and now this EA82 engine which has under 93K. Feels like a new car again. I haven't yet driven it enough to see how it works out or the mileage but first impression is good.


    Need to take it back to them because oil pressure gauge is disconnected and shows zero, the AC needs to be charged. They said they want to charge it with R134 - is that possible?


    I intend to take it to 200,000 miles or more.

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