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    Marietta, Ga
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    search: Subura Maintenance
  • Biography
    I have owned lots of VWs, but never any Japanese cars<br />(well, my wife has had a Nissan, a Honda, and a Kia,,<br />but I did not maintain these cars)
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  1. my experience with "Blue Devil" A couple of years ago, i was on a work assignment in Texas, (900 miles from home). My 'traveler' car was 200,000 + mile 1995 Explorer 6 cyi, with a light motorcycle trailer. On the drive to the job,, i just happened to notice that the radiator catch tank was empty (optimistically,,, i was sure that i must have a pinhole leak in the radiator or a failing lower hose) I added some half/half and continued on, next gas stop, i checked the catch tank,,, and it was dry again. --and of course, there was the vapor coming out the tailpipe The Ford made it to the job, and on the first available day, I took it to a good local repair shop. (a 30 yrs same location, same old guy kind of shop) The only took him a few minutes to prove to me that I either had a bad gasket (or cracked head) on the right bank. The guy gave me advice: "don't waste money repairing this car" . Advising that the $1000 + that it will cost to repair this car would be better invested in the next car. Respecting this as 100% valid wisdom,,, I was pretty scared. (i had to get my bike and trailer back) A friend at work suggested a plan that I would never have considered: use the 'bottle' patch (blue devil) I would never have even thought of that approach, but (consistent with the old guy's advice: don't invest more into this really old Ford) I got a bottle of Blue Devil, went by a 'quicklube' kind of place (because I was residing in a motel, --no facilities) and the fella there followed all instructions on the bottle. (he had never used anything like this either) and then a few days later, i headed home. I nervously checked that catch tank every 20 miles or so, for the first couple of hours, and then just on gas stops (for the remaining 20 or so hours) and that cooling system never lost even a quarter inch of level. (I did sell the Ford for $500 after making it home, and bought a really clean 2002 Outback) hey, the stuff has a reputation: IT DOES what it advertises. we all know that the same 'coagulant' that fixed the leak is also: a) coating the radiator gumming up the thermostat c) lining the cabin heat coil but, if it can get you home, or stretch the usability of an old machine that is not 'worth' a rebuild...
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