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Everything posted by HGR

  1. Thanks for the thoughts. Factory Subaru filter, no dents in trans pan, linkage has been checked. I've been researching this further and it seems like the torque converter may have gone or possibly the trans pump itself. I've not pulled the pan as I was not aware there was a filter in there, thought it was only external. Fluid has been checked static and idling, there is no change in fluid level which indicates a problem, yes it's being checked at the right location and I'm not checking the diff. There is absolutely no fluid flowing through the cooling pipes which leads me to believe that either the TC has gone so no drive to the pump or the pump itself has gone.
  2. Hoping someone can help me out with a few details about how to further diagnose my transmission. The car is a 2002 Legacy GT30 with an auto. I've had it for about 10,000km's without a hiccup. She now sits at 230,000km's. When purchased she had a birthday with all new fluids and filters aside from a trans filter as I couldn't source one locally and figured I'd swap it out when I completed the flush. Last week my wife was driving around and she said it shifted funny a couple of times Didn't get much more input than that. Car completed the 7 hour drive just fine. Ran fine yesterday. This morning she goes to work which is literally 2 minutes away and from what I can tell it slipped once or twice. Get's in the car at lunch and no forward or reverse gears at all. Not even a creep or RPM drop when a gear is selected. Towed it home and started investigating. Fluid was showing overfull for some reason so I pulled the filter and drain plug and drained everything that I could. Put filter and plug back in then started to see where the fluid level was. Still to the high mark, this raised questions. Pulled the filter again and it was empty. Carried on investigating this lack of circulation and went straight to the trans and pulled the hoses. Started the car and not a drop of fluid flows out even with the dipstick reading full. I have this fear that the pump has gone out but I've never seen a pump just go out almost immediately, especially when started from cold. Has anyone else experience a complete lack of circulation or know where to go next? Possibly a pressure relief stuck open somewhere or clog in an intake internally? Any advise could be much appreciated.
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