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  • Location
    Omaha, NE
  • Referral
    2003 Subaru Baja TPS
  • Biography
    Have had both since they were new.
  • Vehicles
    2003 Baja, 2016 Forester

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Newbie (1/11)



  1. Have an '03 Baja (first year only ones in yellow and no turbo then) for my wife, a nurse. Love it... Put electronic rust proofing on it that same fall we got it. Have never replaced exhaust and there is hardly anything rusted except maybe what came from the factory/dealer. Looks like new inside, underneath and especially outside. BTW... 85K on it now and live in Nebraska so lotsa rain, snow, ice, salt and sand COLD and HOT. Have hauled alot in it carefully and even once a big Harley from Sturgis to Omaha. Got 30 going up empty (on Premium) but about 20 coming back fully loaded. Got my darling bride a '08 Smartcar (no... it wasn't really... but she thought it was cute) so guess who got the Baja.... which I have always loved). Now last fall we got her a '16 Forester since she has to get to work and after the (not really)Smartcar she wanted back the all wheel but bigger/higher/more open and didn't care for the Crosstreks or Outbacks. She sure wasn't gonna get the Baja back after she robbed it from me in all the winter driving months and left me with the Smartcar!!! Have had a few issues (but only a couple) w/Baja. Did the timing belt and all hoses and belts/idler/water pump at 70K for piece of mind. I did standard stuff like battery, a couple sets of EBC brakes and last time got new front rotors (slotted) with rebuilt calipers I painted red. The passenger side head gasket developed a leak and was the only big problem. I put HIDs in the front and LEDs bulb replacements all around. Keep it up so you can almost eat off it. Stays up nice and most folks have a hard time believing it's almost 14 years old. heck, only 11 more years and I'll be able to put antique plates on it! Subaru dealer always ask if I wanna sell it since he has a dozen waiting that want Baja's. I just simply smile and say... "Nope, I'm just fine with it." Sure glad we got it!!! Hope you get what you want and if this helps at all...
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