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Posts posted by zooma37

  1. Thank you, RallyKeith and Blitz. The Forester is the first Soob I have ever owned, and I am really happy with it, despite the few minor quirks I've experienced since I bought it a year ago. I always get the squeaking/squealing whenever I first drive the car, and then when the brakes heat up, the squeaking stops, which, I guess, means that the pads aren't worn yet. Do most cars do that? I have a 93 Honda Civic that never experienced the squeak.

  2. Two to three year old cars with reasonably low mileage are always cheaper than new cars. The payoff for the new car comes after the loan has been paid off and the car is still being used. If an owner plans on keep the car for years after the loan has been paid, s/he can save a bundle, despite the intial costs of owning the new car in the first couple of years - depreciation. Over the same period, a the person with the used car probably would have bought at least 1 more used car, maybe even two, unless, of course, the person is an ace mechanic who can keep the car running forever. The trick with any car, new or used, is how long it can be kept running after the loan has been paid off and when the owner doesn't have a car payment. That's where the savings come in.

  3. Hi,


    I am a new Subaru owner, and this forum has been really helpful, although I didn't think I would need to use it so fast when I bought the car in July 03. First, I had a backing plate problem that needed to be adjusted, then an issue with pinging/knocking, and now I've noticed that the fuel guage seems to be indicating that I have less fuel than I actually have; the guage is off about 2 gallons. Any ideas? I have read other threads that talk about a fuel guage issues in Subarus, but any suggestions/advice? What parts of the car are suspect - fuel sensors or fuel sending unit?

  4. Hello again,


    I'm a new Subaru owner and I noticed in the owner's manual to the 2003 Forester that Subaru recommends I replace all four tires at the same time. What's wrong with replacing two at a time instead of all four? Replacing all four gets expensive. By the way, how often should I rotate the tires, align the wheels, and how long should the standard tires on the 03 Forester last? In case you haven't noticed, I'm a rookie at automotive issues.

  5. I purchased a 2003 Forester last summer, and I have noticed that our Forester's consistently getting 20 mpg city and 23 or so on the highway. I am disappointed with the mileage, but, I guess, that's because of the AWD. My wife usually drives the car and because she doesn't travel far for work, the poor mileage hasn't been an issue yet. I am curious, though, how the Forester compares to other cars of the same class - CRV and Rav - mpg. If I want better mileage, I need to buy a Prius.

  6. I am the owner of a new 03 auto Forester. I've never owned a Subaru before, and I would like some input from the experienced owners on the following questions. Some of these questions may have been answered in other threads, but I need some clarity.


    1. Is the Forester generally a reliable car?

    2. What oil should I use in the car?

    3. What do I need to know so that I get years of good, reliable service from an AWD sysem - tire pressure, rotate tires, etc.?

    4. Any other unusual issues that I need to know about?

  7. I am getting around 20 mpg city in my 03 Forester, actually my wife's getting 20 since she drives the car 99% of the time. The Forester is my first AWD car, and, frankly, I am surprised how much AWD affects mpg. She generally has the a/c on and she tends to make a lot of stop-and-go trips, which, of course, lowers the mileage too. We're running 89 octane, which is the midrange fuel in California. I ran 87 - the lowest - 1 time and had a horrible experience - pinging and knocking - and since then we've been using the midrange octane. I kind of wish that SOA had given the Forester a larger gas tank. 15.9 is not large enough given the rather poor mpg the Forester gets in city and highway driving. But compared to the large SUVs and many large sedans, the Forester is actually pretty good.

  8. Hi,


    I purchased a 2003 Forester X over the summer, and I have noticed that we've been getting around 19 - 21 mpg city and 24/25 highway. I am disappointed with the Forester's mpg, but I guess that's the trade-off for AWD. I expected it to get more, but Other than the disappointing mpg, I am very happy with the Forester. I drives well, feels safe, has good enough pick-up, and plenty of room for its size. It's my first Subaru and my first SUV, and it meets all of my needs.

  9. Wow...thanks for the help. I have never owned a subaru before and I didn't expect to hear an engine knock going up a hill with 87 octane in the tank. Since the car was new, I, of course, freaked. The owner's manual said that it runs on 87 or higher, so I couldn't understand why I heard the knock. I've switched to 89 and have had no problems, but I am wondering why I heard the knock with 87 octane and if there are underlying problems with the engine that may explain the problem. I have been told that with a knock sensor, I shouldn't hear any knocks. What does the board think I should do? Thanks for the help. I've really learned a lot.

  10. I bought an 03 Forester and I am new to this site. It looks great and I am sure that I'll find it useful. Just one question. What USA octane rating does everyone recommend I use in my Forester? I was running 87 but the engine knocked. Now I am using 89 and everything seems okay. The manual says 87 or higher, but I had problems with 87. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks

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