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Posts posted by K9Leader

  1. Remarcable:


    Your photos are the mirror image of the break on my front swaybar -- mine broke in the exact same spot on the passenger (right) side. Similarly, mine had no dents or other obvious cause of the break. As the poster with metallurgical expertise noted, probably just a weak point that after 42,000 miles couldn't take it anymore.


    I finally got it resolved yesterday but had to resort to letting a dealer do the replacement, although I had obtained the replacement swaybar part on my own, so that minimized the expense. The removal/disassembly/dropping of the exhaust system was beyond what I was able/willing to do while on my back, with only minimal clearance with the car on ramps, in an unheated garage in December.



  2. I have a JVC 12-disk FM changer in my 1994 Lincoln Mark VIII. The unit is mounted in the trunk right next to the antenna, and sound and reception are fine. It has been a great alternative to the problem of running wires and all the problems that always crop up in connecting these sort of things together.


    It works, it sounds very, very good, and it is simple to install and set up. Car audio snobs probably won't be satisfied -- the sound is only 98% of perfect and not 99.99%.



  3. Alias:


    Good point about the bushings and links -- mine as well replace them, just in case they contributed to the bar failure and while I've got the thing disassembled.


    The prices, though, are a bit more than you noted -- list prices are bushings $17.03 each, and links $51.70 each, and $12.84 and $38.78 from an online dealer. I did not think to order these when I ordered the bar, so I would either have to pick them up from a local dealer (and pay the list price, but no shipping or tax -- I'm in sales-tax free Delaware) or order them from the discounter and delay the repair.


    The break was about 3/4 of an inch from the bracket, and snapped off pretty clean. There is no evidence of impact or other damage on the bar, the bracket or anywhere else in the vicinity.


    You mention the bar being wire that is bent into shape. But, is the bar bent into shape or is it cast in that shape? And would that make a difference in its structural soundness? I have an engineer friend who could answer this question for me, but that would mean devoting at least two hours of my life to listening to the answer.



  4. Subie Gal: Thanks for the link. I'm sure this info will be helpful.


    Alias: No, haven't gone to Subaru. The car is out of warranty on all but powertrain, and I bought it used at 32K miles, so I cannot be sure it didn't run over something at some point that may have contributed to the sway bar failure . . . Although, the guy I bought it from was a mid-50s high school science teacher, who was unlikely to have abused it -- he provided me with very detailed service records that seemed to indicate he jumped onto every little problem.


    Anyway, it's not an expensive part and it looks as though I can do the job myself, and will learn something in the process. I hope.



  5. Yes, the volume of the lock and unlock honk is over the top -- scares the bejeebers out of my retriever (a gun shy Toller), although the Brittany does not even notice it.


    I tried going with the silencing feature, but I'm at the age where I can't remember anything, so I kept having to go back to make sure I locked it. The honk, although loud, helps me remember. So I live with it.



    2000 OBW Ltd.

  6. I have a broken front sway bar (stabilizer bar) on my 2000 OB wagon with 41K miles. Heard a 'chunk-chunk-chunk" during a hard left turn the other day. It sheared right through just where it connects to the underbody, so the curved part was hanging down and hitting the wheel on those hard left turns.


    I've ordered the part and will make this my Saturday project. I have an AllData subscription and pulled the removal/installation instructions, but there appears to be an important step missing. Looking under the car, it appears that the exhaust pipes have to be disconnected from the manifolds (they are bolted together right at the point at which the sway bar runs underneath). The AllData info does not mention or show this step.


    Can anyone who has done this confirm? Any other advice, warnings, prayers for me on this job?


    I understand that these things rarely break, and when they do, it is usually from hitting a curb, log, rock, boulder or some other annoyance. Not in this case, as far as I know -- I was just doing a left turn into my son's high school parking lot.



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