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Spotted a 360 in the woods

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I was crusing around on my TRAIL 90 looking for old chevys or subarus to fuel my ever accelerating imagination. I came across a junky looking house surrounded by cars. Its hard to say for sure cause everything is surrounded by trees and I was kinda scared to go down the driveway, but it looks like there is a little Subaru 360 van sitting down at the bottom of a hill. I was maby 500 feet away but I have pretty good eyesight so im 90% sure it is what I think it was.

The front end for sure stood out, Big round headlights is what I remember the most.




Unless there are other vans that look like that.


What would one of these things go for in average non running shape?


If I work up the courage to go down there and knock on the door I will defiantly get pics. I thought to offer maby $200

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I would be interested in one, especially if it runs. Not in a hurry to tow it to Colorado...though I may consider renting a trailer if the body is good and the price is low...


I can't really afford another car, but a 360 van would be worth the trouble for me as I do a lot of traveling and could almost live out of it (save on hotels and campgrounds, and trouble getting/sneaking the dog in places).

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