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I am doing my head gaskets and need to jack the engine up in my 90 awd 5 speed. I unbolted the engine mounts and that mount thing on the top of my engine but when I jack it up from the oil pan it only goes up a couple inches and then the whole car gets lifted. It's hitting something, what do I do?

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A couple inches is all you'll get if the exhaust is still attached.


Also don't jack it under the oil pan. If the pan crushes it'll block the pickup screen and you'll starve the engine for oil.

Use a block of wood about 12" long and jack it up by the block surface next to the pan. Do that on the side you're working on and it will lift the engine at an angle and make it easier to get the head bolts out.

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The trans comes up and hits the body......


Even with exhaust off


You shouldn't need to lift more than 1" to do headgaskets on a 2.2. in a 90 legacy.


If you need more room on one side......set the jack offcenter and lift one side at a time.

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