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Right intercooler??

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Hello people :):) My first thread. Straight into it. I was wondering if anyone could tell me if an intercooler off a 92 Legacy(turbo..), would fit in with my EA82t?? Ive looked at some jobs others have done, on the forums, just wondering if this would be a good choice??





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Anything will fit if you want it bad enough.


It won't just bolt on, you will have to make some custom IC piping for it. But then again, you would have to do that for any IC you use.


Is the one you are considering an Air/Air IC or an Air/Water IC?



Cheers for replying dude :), wow your a master, I bow before you!! Um I have a feeling its a air/water?? Is my motor air/air. Oh yea, Ive installed cone filter-bit tight, but works-little hiccups at the start though, like pressing down on the accel. it ..um.. well hiccups. Is that to do with the amount of freedom the intake has now?? and does it need a tune? or something? Thanks again for the reply. I need to take things slowly with this. :D

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Cheers for replying dude :), wow your a master, I bow before you!! Um I have a feeling its a air/water?? Is my motor air/air. Oh yea, Ive installed cone filter-bit tight, but works-little hiccups at the start though, like pressing down on the accel. it ..um.. well hiccups. Is that to do with the amount of freedom the intake has now?? and does it need a tune? or something? Thanks again for the reply. I need to take things slowly with this. :D

Air/Air IC means that the compressed (turbocharged) air going through the intercooler is being cooled by air running around the intecooler...like the radiator on the front of your car. These types of intercoolers are the most common by a LONG shot...like 90% are air/air. They are extremely simple, easy to install and as long as you've got good airflow over that core...pretty efficient. Too big an intercooler will result in boost loss though. The key is to get air flowing over them, otherwise they aren't that useful.


Air/Water IC means that the compressed (turbocharged) air going through the intercooler is being cooled by water running around the intercooler...like a...well...like your engine!. Air/water intercoolers are pretty rare...usually only in custom and/or aftermarket applications. They are much more complex than air/air but can be used when you are space limited (there are more components but you can spread 'em out) and can be extremely efficient if done properly.


All modern motors are cooled by water (radiator fluid)...older Porsche's and VW's are cooled by air running around the motor only. Some bikes are air cooled too. Your Subaru is liquid cooled.


The car's computer may be getting "used" to the new higher flow of the now more open air filter you put on it. That may be causing that "hiccup" you are talking about...but I can't say for sure 'cause I don't know much about your cars ECU.

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Its going to cost me $80-for the interclr-new zealand dollars, ithink thats about $50 in Amercan?? Should I get and see?? or no?


Cheers for the support you guys.. my partner doesnt really understand. bloody females. but then she supports what i do.. Crazy :banana:


Anyways cheers



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