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PICS ADDED - well I got a 2.5" turboback exhaust installed today

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My old exhaust system consisted of a WRX downpipe/midpipe and 2.5" straight pipe.


Today, I got a custom mandrel bent 2.5" turboback, with just a resonator and a 2.5" magnaflow straight through muffler. I'm going to miss the straight pipe sound, but I had no choice, considering how loud the car would be without a muffler AND cats. It's much quieter at idle, but still very loud approaching redline.


It breathes like a dream now. 6K rpm comes up very fast. Dip into the throttle any in first/second, and it's there. I can't wait to get to a dyno so I can compare my rig to the reigning champ of old school powar, WJM.


Turbo lag is still somewhat of an issue. No real power under around 3k RPM. After that, it takes off! We'll see how it goes when I get my turbo insulation kit installed.... I had to take my heat sheild off since it was attached to my old downpipe...


I'll post pics tomorrow when there is light out!

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sounds like a good set up for power and reasonable sound.


what do you need full boost under 3000 for? drag racing?

rally and road racing are all high RPM action. just keep it revin.


give Will a challenge. its good for him. think he kinda likes it.

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Kinda wierd stuff going on now.


Maybe normal, but I'm a little worried. First, pretty large puff of smoke out the tailpipe when I start from a stop in first. Smoke has a blue tinge. Exhaust smells strong. I guess to be expected from a car with no cats.


I looked in the tailpipe, brownish/black sludge on the inside. Pasty, sticky consistency. At first I thought... oil? but, nah. How could there be oil in there? I figured it was combustion residue from my dirty dirty car.


The thing that really got me wondering though, was this sound. It was a metallic *plink!* *plink!* at semi regular intervals. Kind of like what oil sounds like dripping into the oil pan right after you shut off the car, but louder, and single - like one plink every 4 seconds or so. It noticed the sound pretty fast while the car was on, slowly creeping along at 10 mph in my parking low, and stopped, even after engine had been off for at least 5 minutes.


Definately coming from new exhaust, somewhere inside the pipe. Sounds like a fluid of some kind is leaking onto the pipe, making a noise, maybe. But, what fluid? Water? No AC. Antifreeze? It should smell sweet, and I have no temperature problems. Gas? I imagine the car would catch fire relatively quickly if there was fuel leaking onto the tailpipe. Oil? No leaks on the underside of the engine, that I could see. No oil on the turbo, that I could see. Oil level high on dipstick. Good oil pressure. Doesn't smell like burning oil. No lifter tick. Car runs strong.


What could it be? Or, am I paranoid? Maybe it's just the pipe cooling? But, if that were the case, why would it make this sound with the car ON and engine running? Or maybe it's something completely beinign and I'm a freak?

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Thanks for the reponses, yeah, It makes sense that the noise was just the pipe cooling. It just threw me off that it was doing that while I was creeping in the driveway, but then I realized that I had been boosting right before and the pipe was probably very hot from that.


Here are some pics!












The last picture is worth explaining - I had this little metal heatshield that attached to the old downpipe. Obviously, that wasn't going to work anymore, since the new downpipe doesn't have screwholes (ha!) So, I got some Thermo-Tec turbo insulation and wrapped it best I could. It looks messy, but I'm sure it will get the job done. Now, if I can only get the fiberglass out of my hair... lol

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