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i've had my 88 5spd 4wd in extremely deep sand that stops most everything that doesn't have a lot of momentum..when it started bogging down I pushed the 4wd button & Justine popped up on top of the sand like it had big wide tires aired down. This is with the "stock" street tires. It's a VERY light platform. Almost 2ft of snow wasnt a prob either..same reason..Ive taken Justine to some pretty extreme places in southern N.M. being so small is a huge advantage..but there is no "low range" gear..xtreme lite weight makes up for a lot of that and be most aware of soft underbelly..I'm having a skid plate of some ilk made up before I do anything serious..but to "get off the beaten path"..just in front wheel drive a justy with a knowing driver can indeed go amazing places..anyone who tells you otherwize is foolin themselves...

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