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Ever Victorious

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Posts posted by Ever Victorious

  1. i put impreza seats in my EJ2.2 DL coupe :) just bolt the ea seat rails onto the impreza seats bolt the front of the rails on then drill through the ixisting holes on the back of the rails cause as you will see the ea rails ar about an inch shorter super easy did it in about an houre both sides really comfy


    Could you put this in the actual seat refit thread? It's on page 2 or 3 by now.

  2. Pretty nice find there!


    Since you live in Washington, you have a lot of close-by members you can use as resources, as well as the classifieds section here being quite good for finding parts.


    I'd post an ad in the parts wanted section. someone may have them and would be willing to ship them to you for a few bucks, if you don't mind used parts.


    Pull-a-part yards, if you have any near you, are going to be your friend.


    Can't really see the top of your dash to see what kind of condition it's in, but your dash vents amazingly look intact. You'll want to keep your dash and dash vents in as good of shape as possible. $25 or so for a dash cover might be a good investment if yours is still in good shape (the sun in Wenatchee is MURDER on car interiors!)... and look into plastic conditioners to keep your vents from drying out and cracking into a billion pieces.

  3. Though at this point nothing can be saved that was left... the car's already been hauled off to the crusher. If we had been able to roll it off my driveway to the side yard there might have been a chance to get that steering rack, but as it was, with the control arms disconnected, we could barely move it far enough to get my wife's car out so she didn't kill me... much less my own car.


    +1 on how heavy that trans is, though. I've picked up Torqueflites lighter than that. And not little ones either, the ones designed for V8s.

  4. Pipes through the hood... heh... like the parts car from today. As long as the hood is already denty and rusty... :P


    Though I can't imagine your passengers would like having the exhaust pipe sticking right up in front of them. :lol:


    I'm going to say black bottom, but that could be because that side doesn't look as rusty.

  5. That pic was taken before we were done. No sawzall, though, so rockers/quarters weren't an option. doors were both badly banged up (driver's side barely opened/closed) so I didn't consider them "saveable".


    Windshield, all front lights/markers were damaged to the point of making them not worth salvaging.


    P/S crossmember / rack crossed our minds, but we ran out of time and I needed the driveway back... also it would likely have needed a rebuild anyway.


    Passenger's fender MAY have been saveable by someone with decent body skills, but it was pretty dented too. Driver's fender was just plain hosed. It looked like the previous owner skipped down a jersey barrier with the left side of the car. :P (and then repeated on the right side for a while)


    And the wheels on there were mostly my castoffs from my BRAT. This thing had a nummy pair of alloys on it, possibly Enkeis (I'm not super familiar with the available alloys) that were the first thing I yanked off of it. :)


    I even got almost all of the trunk liner bits, minus the carpet (gone) and the forward wall (rotted out).

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