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Status Updates posted by Crabman

  1. Sorry no. I only have Gen 1 stuff, and not a whole bunch of it.

  2. Yep I did find one, actually two of them, Brat runs great now too. First one I bought from ebay, then turns out they could be ordered from Kragen! And before I told my Dad that I had one, he had ordered one from Kragen.

  3. Hey Subiemech,


    Thanks for the link to Walker carburetor kits. I definitely want to buy one. But I called and they don't sell directly, and they gave me numbers for some 'distributors'. But each number I called had issues and the one guy I got a hold of wanted to mark the price up ridiculously since he didn't carry it and it was a 'special order'.


    Do you have any suggestions as to where I might be able to purchase one of these kits??


    Thanks very much for your help.



  4. Hey Boscoe. Wasn't sure what your email address was. Just wanted to let you know you can email me at tony.pezzolo@verizon.net. My work email does not work any more because I don't work there any more.


    Yep I got laid off. but we'll be OK. Talk to you later, Tony

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