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Posts posted by ninefourteener

  1. Mark Miller SouthTowne and SLCSubaru.com would love to invite all our USMB brothren and sisteren to join us in celebrating the first 2011 STI in the Salt Lake area.


    If you've ever been to one of the HUGE Mark Miller meets.... you know it is NOT the one to miss.... particularly with such a cool opportunity to see one of the first new STIs in person.


    Rumor has it.... there's going to be a new widebody WRX there as well. Not 100% confirmed yet..... but I'll definitely post up if I hear something from the MM management.


    We could really use some help with the BBQ, potluck type thing, help cooking, etc. If you're interested, let me know!!


    Here's the original thread:





  2. Sooooooooooo... I got my seats :)


    Oh.... also got this rockin-rump roast universal windshield washer pump/reservoir...... straight from CHINA (Oh yea) for a whopping 12 bucks..... now I have SQUIRTERS!!!! (I'll just make sure my son doesn't chew on it, for fear of lead poisoning :) A few repaired wires, a new hole.... and I actually made it fit right back in the stock location.


    So...... a couple hours with a dremel and a cutting tool to "stretch" out the original seat bracket holes, a little time with a drill.... quite a few measurements.... and wa-la.


    Low cost.... good looks..... and I can actually drive the car without my knees in my chest. I can actually FIT in the Brat.











  3. I actually kept the sliders because I figured that aftermarket brackets would be tough to find.


    I ended up finding an off-brand of 2-tone grey and black seats on eBay for like $275 shipped. Not Recaros or anything, but at least they aren't covered in "BOMZ" or "Type-R" or anything.


    .... and they are adjustable..... so I'm already prepping to fab up some brackets.


    These are what I bought.... should do well, and I can't argue with the price:


  4. I sold my OEM seats because I could barely fit in the car...so the hunt has been on for a suitable set of aftermarket racing seats.


    Not that I really need "racing" seats, but they are thinner,and will consequently add more room for my legs.


    I kept the original sliders.... the PROBLEM is that the mounting holes for a gen 1 brat are 11" (front to back), and 15" (side to side).


    I haven't found an aftermarket seat that matches those measurements, and they don't make brackets for this car to mount aftermarket seats.


    I'm THINKING a set of fixed (non-reclinable, one piece) seats, with the side-mount brackets, and then bolting the bottom part of the brackets to the OEM sliders.


    Like this set:



    Or, I'm thinking just a "regular" set of adjustable seats with "whatever" mounting holes on the bottom, and custom fabbing some cross bars. The cross bars will obviously be 15" wide, but the "side-to-side" mounting holes may be 12", or 14".... and I'd just have to drill a few carefully measured holes.


    Or..... I'm looking for suggestions on what other folks have done. Pics help ;)

  5. The overheating problem that has existed since I bought it???? Solved.


    Busy day today..... Installed a new water temp sensor, a new dual-electric fan kit, aftermarket fan relay, and a circuit breaker to keep the whole thing safe.


    Ops check.... perfect.... comes on at 190 degrees.... turns off at 175 :)


    Didn't have room to run both fans on the back side of the radiator, so I ran a "stock location" fan on the passenger side, and then an additional fan on the front of the driver side. I backwards-wired the front fan to serve as a "pusher" while the one behind the radiator maintains the stock "puller".


    The "pusher"



    The "puller"



    New water temp sensor



    My Frankenstein wiring job. Believe it or not, it's "over-safe"


  6. Thanks!!!


    I actually found a REALLY clean set of very slightly used 185/80/13s for $100. I picked them up 2 days ago.


    Last night I completely sanded the wheels..... Refinishing them tonight/tomorrow in silver to match the stripes ;)


    I have every intention of going with some 15x7 steelies and a suspension drop..... but in the meantime I just want to get it on the road..... been working on this thing 2 years and I've never actually driven it :)

  7. Thanks for those pics man.


    And that DEFINITELY explains the overheating problem...


    I just bought a twin electric fan kit, with a relay and sensor...... I'm going to mount one of them as a puller in the stock location..... and the other one as a pusher on the front driver side of the radiator. That will keep this damn thing cool.


    Just paid for it 10 minutes ago.... it's on it's way here.


    Question..... where is the best place to mount the temp sensor?? Any suggestions?

  8. Ok.... now you threw me for a loop...


    My fan doesn't "cycle" at all..... it's like a flex fan.... directly connected to the pulley.... spins as fast as the motor does.


    I'm thinking maybe do a chemical flush of the coolant...... and then maybe install an aftermarket electrical fan, on it's own separate switch/curcuit so I don't have to tap into the existing "touchy" electrical system.



  9. So.... I got all the electrical snafus figured out..... everything in this car works.... from the license plate bulbs, to the dash bulbs, to the dome light.... all markers brakes signals.... everything.


    The next hurdle is to tackle the overheating problem that I've known this car had since day 1.


    Now.... keep in mind.... I've discovered that the previous owner was a MORON when it comes to cars, so I started with the most obvious first.


    last night, I removed an old arctic inline heater that I have no idea if it worked, and I figured it could be acting as a clog... so I removed it and replaced it with some brand new heater hose.


    Also changed out the thermostat.... ops check good today.... no leaks anywhere. filled it up with coolant..... and let her run at idle in my garage.


    and she's running beautifully if I may say so ;)


    ..... 25 minutes later of just idling..... this is what my temp gauge looks like.


    It "seems" a bit high.... but I've never owned a brat.


    Does this look right to you after 25 minutes of idling in 75-ish degree outdoor temps..... or do I still have an overheating problem?


    If so.... suggestions on the next thing to check???


  10. I've noticed my car did the exact same thing..... my fusebox doesn't look "burnt", but things tend to come ang go when I jiggle the fuses.


    I also had a problem with my fuseable link (the smaller wire coming off the positive side of the battery. I just replced it with some 10-gauge wire and a 40-amp circuit breaker... cost me about $6 at Autozone.


    I'm looking at replacing my entire fusebox for the same reason... just so I don't have to deal with this anymore.

  11. At first, I thought it was the speedometer cable, but then realized it was a "wire"


    Plugs in on the passenger side of ther tranny, near the crossmember... about the size of a chapstick cap, with a wire coming off the top of it.


    I just turned the car on (not running)... put it in reverse.... and started pushing and jiggling until the lights popped on.


    Also got a new thermostat installed yesterday, and a new heater hose, eliminating the unneeded inline arctic heater (I have no idea if it worked, and it could be clogging something)


    Start it up today after the RTV dries.... hopefully that will solve the overheating problem


    Oh..... also got the horn working with my aftermarket steering wheel :)

  12. Thanks for all the help folks!@!!


    I replaced the fusable link with a 40 amp circuit breaker... cleaned up a nasty corroded fuse box, replaced all the fuses with new (and appropriate) fuses.... and dug out a crapload of nasty corroded light bulbs, and replaced both flasher units.


    Long story short...... EVERYTHING works


    High beams, low beams, marker lights, license plate lights, dome light, dashboard lights, turn signals, and brake lights..... EVERYTHING


    ..... except my reverse lights.... and I KNOW the bulbs are good.


    Suggestions?????? Where should I start????

  13. No suggestions? I've done quite a bit of reading, I know there are a lot of topics out there, full of lots of opinions, but very little conclusive evidence.


    The general conscensus is that a 185/80/13 is a good size..... so is a 185/70/13.


    I actually found a set of new 185/80s today.... and they looked thinner than the 155s that are on there now.


    Current progress (see why I need tires???)







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