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Posts posted by yesyeah

  1. I always use OEM. Call 1-866-528-5282 Ask for Jason. He will ship to your door. Ask for internet pricing and tell him Ken sent you. He'll take care of you for sure that way!! J/K, Jason is a great asset and goes above and beyond with every customer.




    Is that number for: http://www.mikescarffsubaru.com ?


    Better to call Jason with the referral from you than just order online?

  2. It's that easy! Just be sure the replacement cable is not too short...

    Mine was a little longer than the original but that caused no problem.

    Happy new year!


    You rock, thanks!! I may just go to Autozone and pick up new battery cables, connectors and a battery and just feel better about things.


    There is a lot of corrosion on the battery cover/brace. I'll clean that off well too. Sounds like I have my weekend planned. If I wasn't such a wussy, I'd attempt the valve cover gasket job, but I am a wussy. :)

  3. The phase 2 2.2 does not have the rear O-ring. It has the same valve covers as the phase 2 2.5.


    I would check the metal washer on the drain plug for leaks. My guess is they drained the oil when they serviced the car. If they did not replace the metal gasket on the drain plug it will leak. Check that first before doing all of this work.


    Thanks for that information. Problem is, while I like my shop, they are not specialists in Subarus, so I think it's good to get the info on here and "help lead them" on what needs to be done - or at least a good first few steps.


    The valve cover gaskets are definitely leaking - so i am going to go that route and replace the spark plugs. I'll ask that the replace the grommets as well.


    Regarding the drain plug washer, not a bad idea. Is there an OEM washer replacement easily found? I may just buy one and bring it with me - have them do the valve cover gaskets/spark plugs and then tell them to replace (or add if it's gone) the purchased washer when they do the oil change. Then I can monitor the oil pan gasket potential situation, since that was more costly than the other stuff and possibly not even an issue.



  4. My 99 Legacy wagon's batter terminals are totally corroded. I think even one of the connectors to the terminal is cracked from the corrosion.


    Can you replace just the connectors that tie in to the cable, or do you have to replace the entire cable? I'd of course, replace the battery at the same time, but was curious how easy the cable end clamp (or full cable) replacement procedure is (not fully mechanically inclined, but like to try when I can).



  5. Well, I was a quart low of oil today when I checked in the cold and noticed the coolant level was pretty low. Topped both off.


    Does a valve cover leak only when driving, only when idle, only when off or at no specific times, just all the time? Was curious as to how regularly I should check the oil level - especially if this is in fact, an oil pan gasket leak as well. Are they generally pretty slow leaks?


    Thanks for your help again as always.

  6. I have a 2.2 engine. Are there spark plug gaskets for this engine that should be replaced?


    Sounds like it would be better to just have them do the valve cover gaskets / spark plugs and wait to see if the oil pan gasket is in fact leaking, or just a drop down leak from the gaskets. If I am not saving any time on doing those 2 jobs together, then probably best to wait and inspect after the valve cover gaskets work.


    Anything else I am missing? Forgot to answer miles per year. Probably 12k -15k miles a year at this point I would guess.



  7. Thanks for the replies.


    It's a 10 year old car and I don't know the history. It had about 63k miles on the car when I bought it. I figured I would be wanting to keep this car for a while so I decided to get the timing belt done (since it was original) and I know the water pump is supposed to get done at the same time. I usually buy older cars w/ lower mileage and have found that the rubber (belts, tires, and gaskets) are usually the first things to "go". Anyways, I believed this to be an "interference" engine so I figured I would just be proactive and be safe and get it done, based on our investment into the car (which was $4k, so I thought we got a good deal).


    I had the car "inspected" (they did a bad job) before the purchase. Mainly, they didn't find anything wrong but noted the timing belt as original. Not long after the timing belt/water pump change out, I noticed a small leak on the driveway. The first place (my main mechanic garage) said it was the oil pan gasket. The 2nd place, months later, did a degrease and dye and said it was definitely valve cover gaskets. Just brought it back to the first place who are saying they can see the valve cover gaskets starting the leak, but still definitely see the oil pan gasket. I had read that based on seapage, it may not be the oil pan, so...


    Guess I should just go with valve cover gaskets since those are easily found and definitely leaking.


    How much should valve cover gasket replacement cost at a shop? And if I am getting that done, there is nothing else to "slip in" while they are doing that, any preventative/proactive replacement pieces?


    My mechanic is very honest. If anything, they would be mitaking the oil pan gasket for leaking. I don't think they are "making stuff up". I was the one that decided to get the t belt/hoses/Water pump done to be proactive, nobody suggested me doing it but myself.


    Thanks for your help and suggestions!

  8. Hey,


    I have a 99 Legacy wagon with 72k miles on it.


    I am being told I have leaks at my valve cover gaskets and oil pan gasket. To replace those and the spark plugs and the oil change etc it was like $600 and change I think.


    If I go ahead and do that, what else should I have them replace while they are in there doing that job? I have talked to them before about replacing certain things while "in there" but as it's not a subaru dealer, not sure they have the knowledge like this board does, about what to expect - meaning, the forward thinking to fix new things before they go bad. Since they will be ordering parts, are there any other parts/gaskets I should tell them to replace while doing the valve cover and oil pan gaskets, that won't add much labor (since they are already "in there") but should be done at the same time?


    Timing belt / water pump was done at about 63k, but I don't think any of the other "advised" parts I see listed on here (pulley's, front/main seals) were done.


    Much appreciation and thanks in advance!

  9. Okay, maybe I am a moron.

    1999 Subaru Legacy Wagon. I looked in the manual as I am trying to find the dipstick to check the ATX fluid and frankly, I just cannot find it. I see the brake fluid, oil and steering fluid. But no dipstick for the ATX fluid. Can anyone confirm or deny I am a moron? It's gotta be somewhere. Am I missing something? Maybe something was "replaced" and it's just not as easy to find? I am fairly competent with this kind of stuff, so it's a bit embarrassing. Help if you can, thanks! :)

  10. Thanks for the reply!


    I actually have noticed that it now squeaks occasionally, but before the car shifts. Before it seemed always at the exact time of a shift.


    I am not even close to having the mechanic knowledge to know how to tighten the belt, or how much play it should have. I can certainly take it back to my mechanic, who's always been good at fixing anything that is due to a repair they did.


    I guess I thought it was the tranny cause it seems to shift hard - but maybe that's just how that car shifts (and me not used to the 4cyl engine go cart).

  11. Hey,

    Glad I found this site. I bought a 99 Legacy wagon a couple months ago - it only had 62k on it and it seemed like a nice buy for the money.


    I have noticed the transmission has a quick squeak/squeal going from first to 2nd or 2nd to 3rd, if under high acceleration. Meaning, if I am just cruising around the neighborhood at a low speed, don't really hear it. But if I push it from stop, going to 2nd or into the 3rd, I'll hear that burst of a squeak RIGHT when it shifts.


    Now, I must say - this is my first subaru AND it's also my first 4 cylinder. The car has always seemed "strange" on the shifting - it's just not smooth at all. But, again I will add, I am used to bigger engine 6 cylinders and the whole car just feels strange to me when driving (I bought this for my wife).


    I just replaced the Timing and drive belts and water pump. I looked through online and some people have said it could be a belt, but those are brand new. Guess it could still be that.


    Is this a normal situation? Does anyone have any clues? I see there are issues with tranny's on these cars. I basically want to get an idea of what to do, cause I dumped $1k into the car for front brakes, timing belt and other belts and water pump - and if I am going to have to replace/rebuild a tranny, I'd rather just go find another car, and trade this in and add $2k to something that is better than this. I don't know if it's just THIS particular car, but I am not a huge fan right now. Nothing sounds solid on this car - but again, it may be a situation of me not being used to a 4 cyl go cart.


    Any help is GREATLY appreciated - this site has been awesome so far!

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