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Posts posted by john40iowa

  1. After now about 70K on the rebuild, I am noticing a little oil weep on the drivers side rear of the engine, about a year or so. It does not get any worse, nor enough to effect the oil level much between changes. However, I was wondering if any ya all have heard of stop leak helping with this issue? Or maybe switching from the synthetic to Dino would help. I am not talking about the coolant goop, which has been added religiously with every change, and that system is fine.

    Thanks for any insight.

  2. '99 Forester A few weeks back a pedestrian and dog were in the middle of the road, strange since two perfectly good side walks were open. Anyhow on this road I had to take the shoulder area which was rather pot holed. Didn't appear all that extreme, but noticed there after a kinda of "Clunky sound" from the front end anytime a bump is crossed. I thought it might be the undercover, so I put new clips in that hold it on. No change:( The kyb struts have 50k and look fine as do the original springs. It was aligned about 5 months ago by a very good shop. It tracks and runs fine, and stops smoothly. Just this annoying plastic rattle trap sound at each bump, for lack of a better description. Any thoughts of the culprit here would be greatly appreciated.

  3. If you really want this car, I wouldn't let five hundred sway your decision. I would go with the first one over the second one "Modified, but restored to stock intake/exhaust." 40 K is a baby to me, obviously in the proper hands. To me both these these cars you listed are basically the same in terms of value and mileage. Good luck regardless.

    my two...

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