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Posts posted by J.T.R

  1. As we all know older generation subarus are prone to bad rust. I had the fortune to find a decent brat with very little rust. How ever there is quite a bit of rust on the underbody most of it has not eaten through to make any holes so I am attempting to fix it all before it can become a problem, so I have a few questions. first does any one here have any advice on how to get to the rust in the channels of the underbody so that I can stop it from getting worse. second after I get it all fix I plan on Lining the bed and underbody with Rhino liner so I was just wondering if rhino liner would be a good protector and sealant for the underbody, has anyone her ever done this before. thanks in advance for all advice.


  2. I have been a member of this site for about 2 years now but have only recently been posting. I originally joined for my 93 Legacy wagon that I used to own. I have recently sold it tho due to transmission problems and to Buy my new 86 BRAT. I have been a subaru fan ever since my brother got his 87 GL wagon several years ago then i got my Legacy and learned how great Subarus are.

    I had been searching for a BRAT for a while and came across the beast i now own. It only has a few minor dings and a few little spots of rust that should be easy to fix. It only has 160,000 original miles and is in great shape the engine is totally clean. I bought it for 3000 even so a little pricey but it was worth it. Well that is enough for now, I hope to learn alot from you guys and will be a steady poster on here in the future starting with the restoration of my BRAT


  3. The panel right behind the passenger door has a hole in it from rust. I need a little advice on the best way to patch it. I was told to use Bondo body filler and fill in the hole but it just runs down the inside and does not fill in the hole very well. should i use something as a back until the bondo fully hardens or something. the hole is about 7 inches long and about 3/4" wide with one spot that extends to about 2" wide. i have a pic if needed

    Any advice is appreciated


  4. Hello, I just bought a 1986 Subaru BRAT. It is in great condition. It has only about 160,000 miles and every thing works great. It only has three bad rust spots on it one right behind the passenger door is the worst and a small one in each of the wheel wells in the bed.

    I am interested in trying to get a new piece of Trim for the Tailgate, a light bar to put in the back and maybe a good front bumper to put on it.

    I understand that finding the trim and light bar can be a little difficult but thought I might try my luck anyway. Please let me know if you have one to sell and the price you might want for it



    Here are a few pics of my brat for those who want to see.





  5. My 93 Legacy wagon has been making a noise lately. every time it shifts it will make a kind of clunking sound and you can feel it sort of do a little jolt or jerk. now it has even been making sounds when i stop and take off from a stop. My first thought was that it has something to do with the U joints. However it has the locking auto transmission that makes it so that you have to press the button above the shifter at the same time as on the shift to shift and i have had to use it ever since i bought the car so i am a little worried that the sounds might indicate a transmission problem. Any help on this would be great. thanks


  6. no, i bought a harness online the plugged into the original harness in the car. I did one mod to it tho, the harness that came with the stereo had a ground wire that was supposed to be attached to a metal part of the car with a screw but i could not fine a place to attach it so i cut of the end and wired it to the original ground wire on the harness i bought. could that cause the problem, I thought about unplugging my stereo to see if the car would start better but i have not tried it yet.

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