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Posts posted by ShagginWagon

  1. Sorry JOKER that I am typing on an iPod that is 1/10 of ur keyboard and don't like to type out every letter of every word. Honestly ur a waste of my time, I wasn't even talking to u in the first place and I said that nobody has to do anything I was simply giving knowledge that can't be learned from a text book from someone that has years and years of hands on expeirence, like I said they have tested these products physically. My dad wouldn't even waste his time trying to give his knowledge to someone as ignorant as u.

    All I did was get the info from the website to show what the website said about the product so that people could know what it was, not to try to prove anything. Like I said cheap mechanic that is an a hole. You don't even know what the product I'm talking about is or u would call it fix it in a bottle, all it does is lubricate. The product that u are talking about is more of a fix it in a bottle. Why are u such a rude person. Someones on their blood rag this month. Take a midol.

  2. I also believe that mmo is great stuff personaly. If u want to clean out ur engine use it. If u don't want to chance even the slightest chance messing ur engine up by breaking up all that crud that's in there and having the chances of that stuff causing more damage than by having it there, use power punch.


    I personaly make sure to change my oil regularly and hotrod my car every once in a while to ensure everything burns out and my engine is clean. Lime I said I have 300 thousand miles on my engine

  3. ThiS is why it would make ur litters stop clicking


    POWER PUNCH OIL SUPPLEMENTS***use the latest in Petroleum Polymer technology to increase the film strength of any oil. This stronger oil film is much harder to penetrate under load and heat and therefore prevents metal-to-metal contact, which causes wear, heat and wasted horsepower. Less wear and heat means much longer life for both the equipment and the oil. The high strength oil film also cushions the metal parts to provide quieter operation because shock loads are dampened. POWER PUNCH also stabilizes the viscosity of oil during high load or temperature operation to prevent breakdown and the creation of sludge.


    POWER PUNCH used in an engine***provides a better surface for sealing of piston rings and therefore more power available at the crankshaft. Higher compression, less contamination and lower heat all lead to more power, greater efficiency and lower emissions. Contamination of the oil by combustion products is also significantly reduced and this gives cleaner and longer lasting oil.

    When you first start your engine all the oil is in the oil pan - unless you use POWER PUNCH! With the famous POWER PUNCH clinging power a protective film of oil remains adhered to your engine's critical parts - even if it sits for a long time. This film provides corrosion protection until you start your engine and lubrication until your engine's oil pressure is established.


    In any type of equipment, prevention of oil leaks depends upon flexible seals as well as the film strength of the oil. POWER PUNCH keeps seals pliable and it's stronger film assists in keeping your garage floor clean and the oil where it should be … in your equipment. Less oil lost is money saved.


    Hydraulic systems***such as those in tractors, lift systems, automatic transmissions and power steering can also benefit from the qualities of POWER PUNCH. Adding approximately 10% POWER PUNCH will provide cooler operation, less wear, smoother control and control leaks. Substantially longer equipment life can result with less maintenance necessary and down time.

  4. Appreciate your input, ShagginWagon. But perhaps your dad should be more diplomatic in his description of products he doesn't happen to believe in.


    Personally, I dislike the idea of any crankcase additive. And I'm well aware that there is no such thing as a "miracle cure in a bottle."


    But when a product, in this case MMO, accomplishes what I intend it to and what I need it to, then I don't consider it to be crap.




    He never said he doesn't believe in it.. It can just mess stuff up more than it can help sometimes according to him.. Lime I said he didn't say not to use it but if u want to get a better product to help the litters from clicking use power punch

  5. Are u an engineer.. Didn't think so.. Have ever personally talked to one or one that has ever tested any of this stuff.. Didn't think so.. Did I say it was liquid wrench in a can didn't think so.. Did u know what the stuff I was talking about was didn't think so.. Do u know what ur talking about in comparison to what I was didn't think so.. How many engineers that are out there know about using proper lubricating adgents? Probably more than ur little brain could even think of.. It doesn't matter how long or even if your car is just idleing, breaking up the crap that's in ur engine can do damage to any parts in ther. They could get stuck in moving parts and so on. The crap that your cleaning out of ur engine iis not good for lubricating.. Did I say not to do it.. No.. Did I say that cleaning the crud out of ur car wouldn't benifit ur car didn't think so.. And if u read my post, I didn't tell him to put it in his car.. I said that he could try it if he wanted.. I also said that I will do it first and tell him if I feel it's worth it.. U sound like one of those guys that says that oil will never break down, only the additives will and u can throw a pack of additives in ur oil and ur just fine.. Not to smart of a person if u ask me.. I don't care if u are a mechanic or if u went to school for anything that has to do with mechanics or if it's just ur opinion about stuff. Until u test the product in every way u can in and out of an engine or know some on that knows what they are doin proffesionaly, don't blow smoke up peoples rump roast. U obviously are a very closed minded person. I'm not the one telling people to stick random stuff in there car like you. I simply said that they could try it if the want or if they don't want to that's fine by me, but i was just giving them some very usefull information from a very very seasoned and proffesional engineer with billions of dollars and a love for cars, not working for a company trying to make money off of people that don't know any better and are trying to save as much money as they can to make a dollar. Like I said stop being so rude.. I'm not the one telling people that they should use something just because it's cheaper and will do about the same thing as other stuff, I'm simply letting them know of something else that they can use for what it's made for.

  6. My dad works hand n hand with an engineer that has fabricated everything in and out of the car from the ground up, including the engine. He takes first everytime he takes it to the tracks. He has takin it to the DMV and had to prove to them with his calculations to make it street legal. He also held the world record for the quarter mile in the 60's. The build all kinds of stuff including hydro power plants so they have to know what the best lubrication that is on the market. The have also test every kind of oil u can get including quarts of oil thats over$100 a bottle. They know wut the best stuff is period. Especially for your wallet. Sum of us aren't cheap ********************* who question people for stupid reasons and think they know what's best when they haven't tested ************. Some of want wut is realy gonna help our cars so they can last for a long time.. That's why I have 300 thousand miles on my car and it still runs like a champ. I believe if anyone knew about lubrication here it would be my dad that has tested oils for their lubricating properties so before u go and run ur mouth about sticking ATF like a cheap mechanic in ur oil. Do some actualy testing on the stuff so u know what's best. I didn't say that it's the only thing that wouldnwork or what the best stuff is, and if u can't afford a $10 bottle for something that's worth a lot more... That's just sad. I don't appreciate the way u throw ur oppinions around so loosly.. I wasn't rude at all and I didn't question anyones opinions or facts.. I was just letting someone know what would realy help them out from what I would call a seasoned proffesional.

  7. I have the same problem until my oil is warmed up. My dad told when I asked him about those products that they're crap and to put some power punch in there. I'm going to try it when I get paid, he said it comes in a purple bottle I believe.. He said that that is the best stuff I could use and he said it would work forsure. I'll let u know how it goes if u want me to try it first. I get paid on Monday so I will do it sometime next week.

  8. I believe that you won't have to do anything.. I plan on putting them on my 90 legacy and I found that the biggest that would fit on the first gen legacys is a 215/60/16 and I put the two tires in a tire calculated and the bf goodrich tire is actualy I little bit smaller than that so u should be good on just slapping them on and it'll give about an inch lift if your runnin the stock size. Btw I think they are cheaper on tirerack.com..

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