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Posts posted by baccaruda

  1. 81EA81 that is amazing thank you very much. 

    All, I should have had email notifications active for this post and I apologize for failing to acknowledge your replies. Thanks for taking the time to reply. 

    PigEqualsBakon - thanks for the offer but I'm looking for the older plaids with one foot in the late 70s. i appreciate your offer though. Same thanks-anyway to Whitestorm and jdkneppy. 


    If anyone else can contribute plaid interior photos of the same style as 81EA81's I'd appreciate it. Thanks very much. 


  2. I want to incorporate authentic plaid patterns used in the late 70s / early 80s Subarus into some of the graphic design / merch projects I have planned as I resurrect my hobby this year. I'm finding that they are not well-represented in search results here or elsewhere due to expired links, poor resolution / camera angle, etc. I've checked USMB, Google, Pinterest, Flickr, eBay, BringATrailer, McBrat's brochure database, etc. 

    Ideally I'd like to see us end up with an index of all these patterns; I'm not asking for exclusivity because I would also like to see what other people do with this resource :) but if any of you own Subarus with their original plaid upholstery and would please consider contributing, here's what I'd like to ask for in your photo:

    • Take photo from dead-straight angle so the pattern is as square as possible
    • Span a tape measure or yardstick, etc across part of the pattern for scale
    • Best possible lighting is daylight - flash photos would provide the least accurate color
    • Include a little bit of white paper in the photo for easy correction of white balance
    • Include some of the surrounding vinyl 
    • Include year and trim level of your car

    Thanks very much! 

  3. Hi all, 

    I'm resuming production of the stickers I used to sell on eBay and I'm basically re-doing all of the designs from scratch, for best accuracy when scaled up on other products I have in mind. 

    One of the stickers that sold best was the "Wagon 4WD" badge - pictured in this post. Many of the original EA81 wagon badges I've seen have remnants of white paint outlining the "4WD" but I've never seen an original badge still with its paint. I'm finding that it's a little too specific to be able to search for easily online, including here :(

    I'd be grateful if someone can share a photo of an EA81 wagon - the older the photo the better - showing one of these badges in like-new condition. I'd find it reassuring for authenticity's sake, and if it's a photo to which you have the rights, maybe we can work something out for me to use it for promotional purposes? :headbang:


    In the photo I've got here is a badge in modern-day condition, showing faded red paint and traces of white paint after countless hours of UV exposures and at least 4 carwashes in its lifetime, along with the re-worked version of the sticker I previously produced (white insets above & below 4WD), and a more authentic version I plan to produce (insets lacking white paint). I just want to see it to believe it. 






    Wagon 4WD badge SM.jpg

    • Like 1
  4. If the car came with A/C which was simply not carried over during the engine swap:


    You should be able to do this with the EJ22 compressor; you'll need both sets of lines. Have a hydraulic supply shop make you a set of hybrid lines using your original fittings, or by using them to match the threads, etc for new fittings. You'll probably use most of the original EA82 lines and just change the engine-side ends to meet the compressor at the right angles. You should be able to adapt the wiring to activate the EJ A/C compressor clutch with the original EA controls. 


    If the car didn't come with A/C then you'd have to swap in A LOT of stuff from an A/C car to do this. More than it's worth IMO.

  5. I most recently saw Ed when I sold a piece of furniture via Craigslist to a woman.. who showed up being driven by Ed!

    I noticed it was him while he was finishing something said to her, so I walked up and pretended to introduce myself as he saw me, and then we had a little laugh. I'll miss his good humor, expertise, and generosity. 

  6. This might help too:


    from the older USRM. 


    If you have a problem with your project, posting photos of what you're working on can help a lot. Host them at imgur or imageshack or something if you don't have personal hosting. 


    Keep in mind that when you "don't want to take the time to search" that you're asking others to take the time to search or type for you. If you search and post the terms you used to search, that can help us help you be a better searcher. It's hard sometimes because the search function doesn't recognize search terms of 3 characters or less... including LSD. Look for alternates like diff, differential, limited slip, swap, etc. And thank you for remaining polite when you were not treated politely. 

  7. Me three... wow, B. I'll get ahold of you when I can make it down to Oly!


    I finally found your thread. Freaking bad*ss man! :headbang: I'm gonna have to come see it in person soon. And you gotta come see my s**t sometime soon too. :grin:


  8. Cushion them with material such as old t-shirts, bubble wrap, styrofoam, slightly used diapers, banana peels, or extra pillows, and store them in containers such as milk crates, ammo cans, Pelican cases, toolboxes, Rubbermaid bins, gun lockers, 5-gallon buckets, empty milk cartons...

  9. I'm looking for a place in Seattle to move into next month! I've been here for a bit getting set up and am finally ready to quit hopping around. I'm hoping for a situation where I can share a house so I'll have some built-in friends, and more space for possessions and projects than I would in an apartment, as well as greater likelihood of a place to park my car. Please PM me if you have or know of something!




    Also, I have a good friend in Portland, OR looking for a place; her landlord is doing something with the property next month and is kicking everyone out. She works at Trader Joes and is a good fit there, and if anyone has (or is) a reference, please shoot me a PM!

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