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Posts posted by Bigsky

  1. Axcidently posted the same topic twice so new question. 

    When i start the car, it seems to pulse a bit. Like whew whew whew whew whew, until it warms up then it runs strong. The lights flicker and such ..

    Battery? Alternator? 

    I can take a video but only being allowed to upload 2mb i may need to upload it to youtube or something. 

  2. Im looking into getting new suspension for this car. All the ones on ebay i find say they fit but also say they are for wrx. 


    I will also need a few upper mounts for the front as mine are shot .  But dont want to spend the money on a wrong part.  

    Any advice? Thank you. I truely love my subbie once i get it tweaked a bit it will be one bad rump roast ride.  I am glad i found this forum tho. 

  3. 24 minutes ago, HASx11 said:

    There is a o-ring on the bottom of the reservoir where it goes into the pump and that is usually where they leak from. They aren't too hard to replace I was able to pull the pump and reservoir and reseal the pump and reservoir in about 2 hrs.

    Yea that appear to be the spot. It is dripping on the manifold and is pooling around the spark plugs, which is my main concern.  Ive thougt of using a stop leak on it to try until i can fix it properly. But not sure which one to use, as i have to put automatic transmission fluid in the power steering reservoir. Lol.  But an o ring would be even cheaper.  Ill let my mechanic know and hopefully i can nip this in the bud before it gets too out of hand

    Thanks again

  4. 46 minutes ago, gbhrps said:


    Its an expensive fix if you pay a shop to do the job and buy new parts, but pull one from a wrecking yard and get your backyard mechanic friend to install it would be the way I'd go. Jury rigging what solution you have suggested is going to cause head aches down the road.

    The air bag removal and steering wheel removal are not that challenging, just BE SURE to disconnect the car's battery and then wait 30 minutes before you start the work!!!!!! Car airbag systems use capacitors to store enough electricity to fire the bags if the battery cable is cut during an accident. The charge dissipates in 20 minutes or so rendering the air bags safe to handle, so they won't explode in your face. Don't mess with an air bag if you don't follow this step. They can kill you at close range.

    Here's a free download of the service manual for that year:  http://jdmfsm.info/Auto/Japan/Subaru/Impreza/1996-2001 Service Manual/

    Thank you so much for the response. I will look into this part, and follow your instructions.  I am sure this way would be the smarter way honestly.  My wife is old school where everyone had a toggle or 2 on every car they owned. Lol



    11 hours ago, msmithmmx said:

    Not that expensive.  Couple hours of work I am sure.  Here is the part


    Thank you for the part we have been looking for new ones that are double or tripple this ammount.  And it just wasnt feasable in a car that my wife may not even want to keep past winter time. 

  5. So the 600 buck car i bought has a broken windshield wiper lever. Aka it is completely  broken from the steering column.  Its an expensive fix and requires taking the steering wheel and air bag off.   

    My thought is that i can run a toggle switch to the wiper motor and bypass the whole thing.  But my only issue is i dont know how to do it exactly. 

    There are tutorials on it for other cars but not one for this car exactly. 

    Any advice as to how i could do this?

    Also could i do a second one for the wiper fluid? 

    Even if its only 1 speed as log as i have wipers for the rain and snow, so i dont have to rely on rain x to do the job..

    Thank you for any and all help you can provide.

  6. I bought this car for 600 bucks a few weeks back. It has a small leak in the power steering reservoir,  and it leaks on the manifold. No issue with the power steering and it retains fluid fine as i havent had to add any since i bought the car. But my problem is that the leak smokes if i take it on the highway. Im assuming because its dripping on the hot engine.  My mechanic wants to replace the entire reservoir  but none are cheap in the shops near by.   I would like to drive the car out of town but am trying to wait until this issue is fixed. I drove it to the next town over and smoke was coming from the engine pretty good. I dont want to start a fire. 

    Question 1. Do i need to replace the entire Reservoir or can it be fixed easier and cheaper then that? 

    Question 2. If i do need to replace it should i get a newer one that is heavier duty? As i hear the ones for this year are kinda bad anyhow. 

    Question 3 . If it needs to be replaced  how simple or hard is the job?


    Sorry if these questions have been covered.  I just dont really want to sink alot of money into the car if a simplier fix would work. 


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