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Brumhilda's eulogy...

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Dear Friends, we are gathered here today to mourn the passing of Brumhilda, the 1989 GL FWD 5 spd wagon that had served Heartless so well for nearly 10 years. She was purchased the summer of 2000 for the princly sum of $150, gave many years, and miles of reliable service, thru sunshine & rain, sleet, snow and ice....today, at 262,766 miles on the odo, she was taken to the scrap yard for recycling - or what was left of her, I should say - she will be missed. :(


It is indeed a sad day to take a rusty but trusty old friend to the graveyard, but she did become an organ donor, passing many of her parts on to others so they might live on.


On a brighter note, she did reward me by bringing me more $ as scrap than what I originally paid for her! :banana:


On a related note - to those that I owe parts to, please pm me and let me know - I know there is someone who has actually paid me, but I cant remember who & for what, or if I got them sent out (Ben - working on repacking your stuff)... I have been battling some health issues all winter, and then computer issues on top of that. Going in for surgery tomorrow (3/17/10) but should be home in a day or two.


for those that are so inclined - raise a beer in salute to another poor Subaru that has passed on, but lived a long and useful life! (i'm not allowed to today...)



Edited by heartless
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:drunk: :drunk: :drunk:

3 Cheers to Brumhilda.

May she live long and heartily in other Subes.


Had to send a few off to the Great Beyond myself. Not a good feeling.


Speaking of feelings...

Hope things go good for you on the surgery. Speedy recovery and all that....

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