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Haha. sweet. maybe

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Okay, as many of you have noticed, I suck at fixing my car, and i tend to break it more, I.E hyper extending the CV (thanks GLoyale!).


while doing some investigative services yesterday of my brake lines, I found that i broke my brake caliber trying to get it to go back in with a BFH. yeah, didnt know it turned. well, it wont come out now. its stuck compressed. any fixes for this? maybe turn it the oppisite way? or buy a new caliber?


I also found why my car is so loud. two broken bolts off the exhaust pipes, right from the manifold.


I also found out that either 1) my MAF is dirty, or broke 2) i get no fuel pressure in the morning cause the engine isnt a morning person.


I also found out that I have a random rim. it was chillin in my cargo area, underneath the carpet, in that little bitty hole. it looks like an ATV rim, cause it sure wont fit on my car. and i dont know where it came from, because thats where i keep my car goodies, I.E. oil, coolant, rain-x, trans-x, Lucas, stuck of that sort.


I also found something interesting. and this is what i'm excited about. The 3AT's behind the EA82's. are they AWD? mine has a block plate on the back end, with 3 bolts holding it together. The body has a mount for a Driveshaft it looks like, but the exhaust is ran down the channel for it. does anyone know if DL's came stock with an AWD, but with a block plate? can i drop it, hook up a shaft, and go, or are there no rear guts?


or am i completly retarded and this is just a normal FWD tranny, and im getting excited over the end cap? :banana:


someone let me know. cause if it is, that's tight. not sure what i can do with it, seeing as how my person's wallet is broke. -.-


88 DL, 1.8 EA82, 3at.

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crap forgot what order you wrote stuff in... oh well



DL's were FWD to my knowledge i believe they lack the rwd guts of the trans and you would need to swap it. sorry


if the bolts on your exhaust that you are talking about right off the head, they stripped, it happens, alot. plenty of threads on repairing that.


and have you tried releasing the bleeder screw on the caliper? if you have break out that BFH since its already broke:grin:

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crap forgot what order you wrote stuff in... oh well



DL's were FWD to my knowledge i believe they lack the rwd guts of the trans and you would need to swap it. sorry


if the bolts on your exhaust that you are talking about right off the head, they stripped, it happens, alot. plenty of threads on repairing that.


and have you tried releasing the bleeder screw on the caliper? if you have break out that BFH since its already broke:grin:


Sad. haha


one of them fell of and lodged itself into my rear suspension, my brother found it.... then laughed at me. the other on, the head of the bolt broke off, and my brother is gonna pull it out for me.


and yes, yes i have. i spent 4 hours bleeding all 4 of my brakes, because i thought their was air in the lines. I actually use the caliber now as a jack point. I'm small, and i cant get that control arm down far enough to get the tie rod bolt through, so i jack it up about an a quarter of an inch, then i can push it down onto it. :]

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No joke dude. it was going good until i smacked the control arm with a wrench to get it off the tie rod so i could take the tie rod bolt out to get it machined. yeah, different story on that one.


when i smacked the arm, i totally forgot about the spring, and the ungodly amount of pressure that control arm was holding for me.... until the control arm let go.


i remembered then. oh yes. about the time the jack shot out from under the caliber and hit curb, my shoulder and the hub because great friends. that hub was doing about 90mph from 3 inches away. the jack hit the curb, then i hit the curb, and then i said out loud... "i just broke my cv, i dont even have to look at it." didnt quite break, but irked me all the same.


I had a lug nut impression right below my scar until this morning. it was cool, shoulda got a picture.

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