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Like 3 out of 10 cars in the Colorado mountains (i made that number up, but it can't be too far from the truth!), the front windshield on my Impreza is seriously cracked. It's technically illegal but cops dont care because it's unavoidable here. I'm moving across the country in a couple months - question is: should I (A) wait to replace it on the East Coast and risk getting a ticket on my 2000 mile drive or (B) replace it before I drive across the country but risk a rock flying at it during 2,000 miles of highway driving?

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I'd say the risk of getting cited is pretty slim. Cops don't go out of their way to look for damaged windshields on the interstates. Anyway, how would they know that it didn't happen during your current travels? It is conceivable.


I'd say make the decision based on safety. The windshield is weaker now. The odds of something happening catastrophic is low, but is there especially at highway speeds. Personally, if it is bad enough, I'd get it done now.

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The big thing here in Colorado is that the crack can not obstruct your vision of the road. I have had one in my outback for the last 4 years and my neighbor who is a CHP officer hasn't even questioned me about it. Now just the other day the crack decided to run and boy did it run. If figure if I get pulled over I'll just say that it did it that morning and not worry about it. I am going to try to get at least through this next winter with it. So in your case I wouldn't worry about it until later.

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