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There's no V in my PCV, and it's the wrong size?

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Went to replace my PCV yesterday and found that there's no valve in it, it's just a straight pipe. Does this mean that someone replaced the wrong part in the past, or what?


The replacement I got from the parts guy is the wrong size. Mine uses a smaller diameter hose, while the one he gave me uses a pretty big hose. Mine is an early '02. All the parts catalogs I've looked at say that the same part should fit '01-'08.


Cany anyone help me out? How do I find the right PCV, and should it have a valve in it?

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wow, that sounds strange on all sorts of levels.


if you bought a PCV valve from the auto parts store, i would assume that one is right, i've never seen a "wrong" PCV for a Subaru. check the part numbers online like at rockauto.com or thepartsbin.com or some other online place or just type in your brand and part number...etc - you'll figure it out pretty quick.


Subaru didn't change PCV valves for a long time...like decades the 80's, 90's, and even some 2000's all used the same one.


the H6 uses a PCV that has a really small nipple and hose on it, all the others are a larger size from what i've seen.


don't know jack about turbo models, but that could confuse people too?

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Starting in 2002, Subaru moved the valve to the rear crankcase end. Different part number and threads.


Up to 2001, it's in the throttle body with the valve opening toward the threaded end ( toward the throttle body ).


From 2002 on, it's in the rear crankcase, just above the rear separator plate ( the other end of the hose ), different thread size, and now the valve opens to the hose end ( still toward the throttle body ).


Peaty ( those who know he documents the world from other Subaru Boards ) documented it at the link below. If you can't see the pictures, you have to register, but registration is free:


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Thanks guys, I'd finally figured it out and then came back here and found that you guys confirmed it.


I can't seem to find any source that's consistent. One parts catalog lists the smaller PCV (the one I have) as fitting all '95-'01 2.5L engines, another one lists the same part as fitting all 2000-07, and yet another one shows that the larger PCV is the right one up to '05.


I found the right part anyway, and my local dealer happened to have one left, so now I'm a happy camper :-)

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