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Cooling fan help, friend is traveling and having a problem

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Can anyone give me a hand with getting a friends Subaru's fans working, ***He

is currently driving from NY to Florida and is about 1/2 way there. ******He

noticed his fans are not working. ***He does not ever remember them working,

but checked them because he was running a little warm after 8-10 hrs of

driving. He says the fans do not turn on with the air conditioning,

and when the car was what he felt was getting very warm also no fan, I

had him plug in the green plugs under the dash to see if they would turn cycle the fans on, ***and that also did not cycle the fans ***(I believe this will cycle the

fans) I don't know what else to have him try other than swap relays.

Any one have any suggestion on what to try while on the road? ******Common

problems with the fan circuit? Best place to start to look while on the road. This may be an old or new problem...he never had an issue around town.

1998 legacy wagon

2.2 auto.


Thanks for any help.


Edited by Rpm90001
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relays are under the hood in the main fuse box. Theres 2 fan fuses, a main fan relay and 1 ac fan relay IIRC.


I would tell him to cut the wires to his fan and direct wire them for the rest of the drive. Driving down south, its not gonna hurt to overcool the engine. It will still be running above 165F coolant temp, but the thermostat will regulate the temp enough. When the thermostat is closed you arent circulating through the radiator, so its not gonna do any damage other than maybe wear the fans out faster.


They are a 3 wire I think. Low speed High speed and ground. Hook them up backwards, fan spins backwards. I say run them both on high speed, you could tie the two fan wiring together (just make sure he leaves enough pigtail on the connector to splice it back to factory when he gets where he is ending his drive at) This is just a temp solution, I would suggest getting the fan issue solved once hes there. 15 feet of wire, 2 aligator clips and 4 butt connectors and hes back on the road

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