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Welcome to the forum!


I've been lurking here for several years, and you are the first, to my knowledge, that anyone from Japan has posted a message.


So it shouldn't be a surprise that you aren't finding any action for the two models you listed, as I'm sure no one here has ever heard of them before, let alone seen one.


The same could be said for the diesel powered OutBack that isn't sold in the North American market, but is in Australia and some parts of Europe I believe.

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Yeah, I've never heard of them either. Australia is more in-tune with what you guys/gals get on your roads as they can actually import them cheap enough and both of you have right-hand drive, and if it wasn't for you tube, I wouldn't even know that (well, I know about RT-hand drive). We have a roughly 3000k mile border with Canada, and our government oddly shields us from them to the point you wouldn't even know Canada exists if it wasn't for maps. You know something is goofy when Mexico (over 1500 miles from me) is mentioned more often and Canada never gets mentioned despite being within 75 miles of where I'm at.


Same deal with South Korea and Japan. Both of you know more about the US than other way around. Why? I haven't a clue. But we've been getting bombarded with North Korea BS as I'm guessing our government is priming us for the inevitable. I will admit though, PBS carries some of Japan's news and it's tragic how you guys/gals are getting pummeled by earthquakes and the like. I'm a fan of some anime, so that's about the most Japanese culture we get to sample here unfortunately :( 

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