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Whats a good price for a set of EA82t heads?


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I found a set of rebuilt heads for 200 bucks?? The local cylinder/head shop wants 170 to check my originals and mill, valves, ect... And that doesnt include any "crack repairs". So im kind of leaning towards the 200 rebuilt set and then I have an extra set of turbo heads. Whatchall think of the 200 dollar set??

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if they are 3rd gen heads and who ever build them knows what they are doing, then that's not a bad price.


if they are 2nd gen heads, they are asking about $150 too much


and if they are 1st gen heads... well they should be paying you to take them off out their hands.

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if they are 3rd gen heads and who ever build them knows what they are doing, then that's not a bad price.


if they are 2nd gen heads, they are asking about $150 too much


and if they are 1st gen heads... well they should be paying you to take them off out their hands.

is there a way to tell which gen they are by looking at them?? I was under the impression turbo heads, no matter what gen, were expensive?? Thanks for the insight....definately appreciate it!!

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You need to understand that I belive that after market rebuilt heads for subarus are crap. I've seen too many that fail way too soon. Also one thing to keep in mind is that if you use a 1st or 2nd gen head, you'll probably have to replace it withing a couple of years because they'll crack in the exhause port.

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no they are different eras of the same heads. Basically Subaru went through and fgured out what would fail on the gen 1 heads and fixed it, thus creating the gen 2 heads. They did the same to the gen 2 heads to get the gen 3 heads. So ultimatly, the gen 3 heads are the best ones you can get. You can tell the difference by the EA82 on the heads. Gen 1 heads have just a plain "EA82" on them, the gen 2 heads have "EA82" on them (note the underline) and gen 3 heads have the "EA82" in a box. Hope this helps any!

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I believe it goes like this if you look on the underside of the engine on the heads you will see the marking of EA82. This is on the heads not on the block.


if it has just EA82 = first gen

if it has EA82 underlined = 2nd gen

it it has EA82 in a box = 3rd gen


Correct me if I'm wrong guys...?


Edit:Cab beat me to the post.

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I agree that gen 3's are the cream of the crop, but I'm not sure I would neccesarily reject all 1's and 2's.

I had a discussion with a master mechanic at a Subaru dealer about this, and he assured me that some cracking is normal. This guy has worked there since the 80's and has seen hundreds of EA82 heads. In fact, he said that most head gasket jobs at the dealer were just that - replace the gaskets w/o any head work at all!!


Keep in mind that most cars serviced at the dealer are newer and well maintained, not the 20 year old sleds were are talking about.

I would say (from experience) that about half of the EA82T heads floating around are hosed, and should not be re-used for any serious overhaul. But I don't think it has as much to do with whether they are 1's 2's or 3's. The 1's and 2's are more common, so natuarally more of them will be shot.


good luck, John

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