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Alleywagon is TOAST!!

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Was getting ready to take it out for a final spin before the Columbus meet, and had a major engine fire :banghead:.

It was bad, but could have been much worse. It was contained to the engine compartment and fortunately, did not spread to the garage. I could have lost all my tools, parts, books if the garage had burned down, so I feel lucky in that respect.


Not sure what happened, but I suspect a fuel vapor-spark combination. I do know the turbo light was on at all times, so it may have been pumping fuel as well.

I had gone further with this car than any other Sube I've owned. The mechanical and body work was complete, and I was planning to paint it right after the meet. I'll be able to save some parts, but all the time and effort went up in smoke.


Another lesson in life, and a reminder that cars are meant to driven - not to be obsessed over...



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