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ARGH! Driving me Crazy!

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I'm having a pain-in-the rump roast problem getting the EA82 engine out of my 1800 DL. I've disconnected everything. The IM, the y-pipe on the exhaust, all the accessories, the four bolts holding the engine to the transmission. Theres nothing left in the engine compartment except the engine, plenty of room for the lift. But when I attempt to lift the engine out, it won't separate from the transmission at the flywheel. Upon closer inspection I found two studs that might be holding the thing in place, but I don't know how to remove them. Haynes and Chilton don't make any mention of these studs, and the one on the bottom would be nearly impossible to drill out, if thats whats required.


This thing is driving me crazy. I've got pics of the engine, and will add them to this post momentarily.

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When I took mine out you have to slide it forward quite a bit to get it off of those studs and the transmission splines but it will come out. try getting a 2x4 or something on the head and pry forward. You did unbolt the engine mounts right?


Yea I unbolted the engine mounts. The engine clears the chassis when raised, but brings the transmission along with it and will NOT separate. Theres something holding it on, and I think its those studs.


I dont own a crowbar but I will get one from somewhere here in a minute. I hope I don't screw up anything this way. You're sure the studs arent welded to the metal or anything like that? I'll give them a squirt of liquid wrench to be safe.

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Allright! Got the photos working perfectly now. Here's a pic of my engine overall:





Okay here is a photo of the left side of the flywheel housing with the bolt holding the thing together:




And here is the right side bolt, which is very hard to reach:




I don't need to uscrew any of the bolts in the hole that the starter motor left, do I?

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Aha! Victory! Got the damn thing off...popping the clutch helped, that and the bolts I saw were only unconnected supports, although rusted pretty bad. Here's a picture:




A prybar did come in handy. The splines seem pretty okay, hopefully I haven't damaged those driveshafts in the process. Thank you all for the help.

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bothe the engines/trannys that I've separated were held together by corrosion on the dowel pins and bottom studs. It took shim stock being slipped in as I pried, jacked and hit the tranny with a 2x4 to slowly work the bellhousing apart. I paint everything except the clutch with anti-seize when I put them back together. These were both engine/tranny combos that had been together for 140k+ miles in salted NE.

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