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OB Drivers/owners....NEED YOU TO CHECK

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behind the dash board, right above the gas pedal, up in the dash board for a green connector that is currently "not connected" So if your sitting in the drivers seat, and you were to reach with your right hand up and under, the fitting will be right there. I need to get on my knees and sort of bend to look up to see it. Again it's green. PLEASE Check for me and tell me if your's is unconnected.


here's the story, in short. I got a new o2 sensor and then noticed this connection un done. i connected it and it threw 8 codes....disconnected...functions fine. Called the dealer and explained to them. they said it was a "pdi connection" and it's supposed to be disconnected; That it ships from the factory connected, so the check engine comes on, so they know they need to do the initial main't. My dealers been nothing but super cool and helpful, but i'm of a paranoid mindset and want to make sure this is all on the up and up. Can y'all take a peek for me.


Just want to make sure that the dealers answer is legit.





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Dealer is right, and thats not neccassarily a good habit to have. If the car is running fine, and you see things that look like they should mate up but arent, then dont put them together. Sme owners manuals will talk about these connections, some wont. The majority of drivers dont rea thier owners manuals, let alone poke under the dash :brow:




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