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2001 Legacy Wagon-Maintenance-Dealer or Private?

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Newbie - first post.


Recently purchased a 2001 Legacy Wagon. Hooked on AWD after 10 years driving (and still going strong) '93 Loyale Wagon, living in Montreal, Québec and enjoying escaping to country.

At any rate I'm wondering if there is any advantage to getting a dealer as opposed to a private garage to give my 2001 a once over. I know I need an alignment , would like a block heater, am hearing a high pitched sound at cold weather start up and an odd sound from front end (crunchy, clunky) when turning.

Any ideas or comments much appreciated.

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The alignment shop will do the alignment and inspect the suspension. Block heater can be done in the driveway if you desire. The loud noise is likely a worn drive belt.


If you want a once over you may get more than you ask for. It's like pulling up and saying "I don't know if my car needs maintenance, can you help?" Just be ready for a lot of Bull---t!!


My suggestion - go through the owners manual and do ALL of the specified maint. items at the specified intervals. This covers just about everything there is.


Stay away from the stealership. Ask around for a reputable shop or DIY and learn as you go.



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and an odd sound from front end (crunchy, clunky) when turning.

Any ideas or comments much appreciated.


What Goeff said. The 'odd sound' is most likly a CV joint on it's way south ... waaaaay south. Crawl around under there and look for a torn boot.


You can also fix this yourself if you're a glutton for punishment. Otherwise look at around $157 - $170 (USD).


WHen you look for an indie, make sure they understand Subaru's. We're SOL around for new Subarus, there's a couple of guys good on the olg gens, but without the proprietary computer stuff, it takes the dealer to get into anything major around here, at least.



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am hearing a high pitched sound at cold weather start up


If you find out what this is let me know! This past week has been below 0ºF everymorning when I start my car, and it makes that sound until it is warmed up. For what it's worth, it is also a 2001 Legacy L Wagon. Good luck and enjoy it!



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Thank-you to everyone who replied. First time experience, very encouraging.


30cm of snow this morning in my driveway. No garage of my own so I'm a little restricted DIY. My wife tells me the front end sound is the same she heard when she got fleeced by Midas for new front discs and pads (that I had replaced at a local independant shop less than a month earlier). So my plan is (comments please) to return to Midas, tell them I think they fleeced my wife (I've got the barely used discs/pads they took off) and tell them they misdiagnosed the problem. At the very least I should get an alignment and a good look at what the true problem may be.


I don't think it is the CV joint, unless this sounds very different than my '93 Loyale - I've experianced torn boots and finished CV joints. In fact I'm almost surprised not to see the the boot torn when it gets up on a lift - yes I replace them promptly - cheaper than replacing a joint. At any rate it seems a finished joint would consistently make a noise whereas this noise, at last drive, was intermittent.


As for the high pitch sound I imagine it could be a belt. Could the two noises be related. The front end noise (not the high pitch) is almost similar to the 'ratchety feel' I get from ABS when my wheels want to slide, which I'm not sure is normal as I've never experienced ABS before.


I can't help but think that if I get no joy at Midas a once over by a dealer, particularly following the mtsmith's comments on proprietary computer stuff, might not be the best approach. Just how 'designed to be fixed only by dealers' are these cars anyways? My independant garage has little more than a lift, basic hand tools and a lot of scrap yard exeperience.


Again thanks for the feedback and please keep it coming.

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  • 1 month later...

Both problems have seemed to disappear for now. Strange, but we have been having some mild weather.


Most recent problem has been with door latches following cycles of freezing rain and then cold weather, latch no longer wanting to close (i.e. striker does not make latch shut). I've had to take out a blow dryer to get it to work. I have since sprayed one latch with WD-40 and subsequently all latches with Silicone lubricant and am waiting for a cold snap to see if this fixes the problem.


Also find suspension pretty 'vocal' in terms of it sounds almost like it is rattling over bumps, however handling seems ok. Is this par for the course with these cars?

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