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Project Idea: XT/6 Sunroof Repair Kit

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at this point in time this is just to get interest in a project to make a kit for a replacement sunroof gutter (possibly including deflectors and accessories)


the idea arose when i saw that my gutter (and i'm sure nearly all of you feel the same) was absolutely fubar! at first i did a crappy home job of auto bog with plenty of silicone which failed misserably :P


now i've been thinking of having the whole gutter fabricated from carbon fibre and been asking around for viability, the only problem is that i needed a near rust-free gutter to make a mould of! i didn't want to do any repairs because it's still vulnerable to leakage and rust


so anyway Turbone has generously offered to donate one of his cars Gutter which i'm still in discussions with, and while i have been looking for someone to help me with fabrication, it seems that Fury has alot of experience with fibreglass/carbon fibre!


for you guys this project is good for shipping because it's fibreglass/Carbon fibre, so weight is hardly an issue and if you are looking for the kit in 1, 2, or 4 piece sections it makes packaging smaller (as small as a carboard tube!) and i'm sure we could make up a simple bracket to connect the pieces together (most likely with rivets??)


anyway if we get enough interest in the project, this could go ahead! just the same as the Kanimari Kit


This Topic will be focused on over in xt6.net, the thread is located here:



i will be checking this thread to gather interest/questions/suggestions etc...

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