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Disassembling headlight assembly ?

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The inside of my headlight bezels seem to be clouded up a bit,(quite a bit), and I was going to attempt removing the clear part of the lens from the rest of the assembly and polish them.

Has anyone successfully disassembled the lens from the rest of the headlight assembly ?...(without destroying them ) ?<


98 O/B.

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I have a 98 also. I don't think the headlight unit can be disassembled. The unit is glued together, and would break the plastic before the glue would separate. On my car the clear plastic lens gets cloudy. A good rub down with tooth paste brings back clarity. You may want to try doing that.

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This is what I've done to get the front lens off of my SVX headlights.

-Preheat oven to 200*

-Remove all of the little clips that clamp the lens to the body, remove all the rubber boots.

-Put the assembly in the oven

-With gloves start checking it in a few minutes, it should take no more than 5 minutes

-Pull the light apart, leave all of the goopy black glue where it is, IT IS HOT IF IT STICKS TO YOU IT WILL HURT.

-If the glue "strings out" try to tuck it back into where it came from

-Once the lens is cool, you can clean it.

-To re-assemble, putthe pieces in the oven to soften the glue, this time only for about 1/2 the time.

-Using gloves, pull them out and imediately push them together. If you don't get it together tight, back into the oven...


The lights on my Legacy, look to be the same materials as the SVX. On the legacy, there is also a screw on the back edge, by the corner marker.

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