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i could be wrong but i dont think i am........take a look at the throttle body from the front of the car....stand directly above it and look straight down on the left side of it....(use a flashlight) you should be able to see the hose connected to the top of it......if you can pick up a haynes manual they are very helpful.....they arent that hard to replace......i believe its a 19mm with a long extension.....

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I just replaced mine with a Subaru one, I did notice some oil seepage at the hoses so I am guessing it was not operating correctly. The engine has been using some oil lately as well, with no visible signs of leaks or smoke with someone driving behind me. I know CCR suspects a bad PCV in this case, hopefully they are correct.

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posted problem/soultion other threads, may help




We had the "Elvis" hesitation when going up or coming down slight hills - "uh huh, uh huh, uh" as car was trying to shift to different gear or plain hestiatating


Subaru check transmission and all the other things to the wheels. Nothing. The sensors seemed OK, but husnband convinced it was a bad sensor someplace.


Then he noticed the tube from the air thing feeding the motor that was connected to the "pcv" was not a continuous rubber tube. it was splced, with no clamps on either end, and it was really loose. Probably leaky.


He put hose clamps on each end and VOILA! Smooth as the day we bought it.


He got the idea from his old truck, which had a bad "pcv" thing.


No that I think about it, I wonder if Subaru replaced the thing after the last check up?


J. sends

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